Extremely skittish Jack Dempsey


MFK Member
Feb 18, 2016
Chicago area
i know it sounds silly but the red background is also a problem. fish don't like red.
Really?? This is the first I'm hearing of this. Any scientific evidence behind this? I wanted an aggressive unique color for this tank and honestly love it. But definitely don't want to stress the fish out.


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2016
Cambridge, Ontario
My own observations.

I can use green blue or yellow microfiber cloth to wipe my tank and my fish never minded. The second I use a red one it's a totally different story. Fish don't like it.

I use a black camera and my fish don't run and hide. My red camera again has the fish spooked.

My gt used to hate it and now my festae does too. It may be nothing but worth trying a different color if it's and easy swap.


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Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
A contrast you might notice in my two videos, is that in the cenote that contained other species of cichlids, the JDs are fewer in numbers, and quite torn up.
In the Cenotes where the JDs are the only cichlid, their population is quite high, and they seem to be in much larger and in better shape, physically.
IMO this suggests they do best as a single species of cichlid, in tanks (as in nature). They do well sharing their waters with lots of dithering live bearers and some Rhamdia catfish, but not so well with other cichlids.
In Cristalino (the times I snorkeled), they were the only cichlid I saw, and in Cenote Eden there seemed to be few other cichlids.
The photos below are all from Cenote Cristalino


Gourami Swami

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MFK Member
Jul 13, 2006
I'm mainly concerned about the lack of eating. How long can it go without food roughly?
Should be able to go a couple of weeks without dying at that size

Is your tank low to the ground? I find when the stand is not tall or tank is low, the fish are skittish

Also looks like bright light + bright red background, might be freaking him out. Also could be placement in the room- I have a tank that is near my front door, and when I walk in, before they realize it's "the food guy", the fish all go nuts. Maybe you are walking too fast near the tank or something if it's in a major pathway in your place


MFK Member
Feb 18, 2016
Chicago area
My own observations.

I can use green blue or yellow microfiber cloth to wipe my tank and my fish never minded. The second I use a red one it's a totally different story. Fish don't like it.

I use a black camera and my fish don't run and hide. My red camera again has the fish spooked.

My gt used to hate it and now my festae does too. It may be nothing but worth trying a different color if it's and easy swap.
I have had other fish in this red tank. It's properly just the jd. Fish can adjust to background color.

The lightning may be what's causing it. Or maybe it's sick?


MFK Member
Feb 18, 2016
Chicago area
Should be able to go a couple of weeks without dying at that size

Is your tank low to the ground? I find when the stand is not tall or tank is low, the fish are skittish

Also looks like bright light + bright red background, might be freaking him out. Also could be placement in the room- I have a tank that is near my front door, and when I walk in, before they realize it's "the food guy", the fish all go nuts. Maybe you are walking too fast near the tank or something if it's in a major pathway in your place
Yeah the tank is on a normal stand in the basement with zero traffic other than myself usually. I did a test yesterday after a water change. I turned off the tank lights and left the subtle room lights on for the most part and the JD swam around quite a bit more. Still didn't eat while the wolf fish feasted.

I did see the JD rub it's body against a clay cave but no sign of ich.

I also filled the tank higher with water so the flow wasn't as strong maybe that's helping a bit.


MFK Member
Oct 19, 2014
I also had a jd that was quite skittish more so as it matured .It did eat but only after I moved away in contrast I have a juvenile ebjd who as soon as I enter the room it rushes to the front of the tank but this may change as it matures. I would drop some food in at lights out. Could the wolf fish be bothering it . I had a mala that would not tolerate any other fish in his tank.
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MFK Member
Feb 18, 2016
Chicago area
I also had a jd that was quite skittish more so as it matured .It did eat but only after I moved away in contrast I have a juvenile ebjd who as soon as I enter the room it rushes to the front of the tank but this may change as it matures. I would drop some food in at lights out. Could the wolf fish be bothering it . I had a mala that would not tolerate any other fish in his tank.
So far I've never seen the wolf fish bother the JD. The mala just wants to eat nothing else and eill follow me around until I feed him. I had a smaller Dovii in this tank a couple of weeks ago and the mala wanted to kill the Dovii but couldn't catch it.


MFK Member
Feb 18, 2016
Chicago area
Should be able to go a couple of weeks without dying at that size

Is your tank low to the ground? I find when the stand is not tall or tank is low, the fish are skittish

Also looks like bright light + bright red background, might be freaking him out. Also could be placement in the room- I have a tank that is near my front door, and when I walk in, before they realize it's "the food guy", the fish all go nuts. Maybe you are walking too fast near the tank or something if it's in a major pathway in your place
The JD is not a fan of my lights. Today I turned off the light but left the room light on and he was out and about. Still skittish and not sure if he ate any krill as I dropped the food in when it was dark. Saw it slam it's body on the sand today too.

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