Favorite African Cichlid and why

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Heterochromis multidens, from the Congo. Beside their unique shape, and looks, they are said to be the closest evolutionary link to the new world cichlids, I have never kept them, and doubt that I ever will.
The favoriteAfrican "I have kept" is Alcolapia alcalicus, from the soda lake Natron.
Lake Natron is saltier than the ocean, and water temps regularly reach into the 90sF.
They to me are the epitome of cichlid adaptation to harsh conditions.
And after my male died, and female that had previously laid eggs, became a male, and spawned with a female.

below a pair spawning

Was that your Malawi Trout Krich ? It is beautiful.
No sir,just an image that I pulled from the net lol.That one might even be a female as I have seen some champs at that size that had much longer dorsal and anal fins trailing well past the tail.
Heterochromis multidens, from the Congo. Beside their unique shape, and looks, they are said to be the closest evolutionary link to the new world cichlids, I have never kept them, and doubt that I ever will.
The favoriteAfrican "I have kept" is Alcolapia alcalicus, from the soda lake Natron.
Lake Natron is saltier than the ocean, and water temps regularly reach into the 90sF.
They to me are the epitome of cichlid adaptation to harsh conditions.
And after my male died, and female that had previously laid eggs, became a male, and spawned with another female.

below a pair spawning

Paratilapia Polleni for me by a mile. They're gorgeous, have enormous CA/SA-esque personalities and I'm convinced are happier when kept in a community setting.
I don't consider Madagascar part of Africa, but more a part of Asia. I believe Madagascar broke off from India and moved west.
If one considers Madagascar part of Africa, my response may have altered, and I would have said any of the snail eating genus Paretroplus as favorites (the Etroplines).
They and the Etroplus from India share a different hearing system than all other cichlids, and are quite an interesting cichlid to keep, being a shoaling type.
Paretroples maculatus

Paretroplus menerambo

Paretroplus kieneri

Paretroplus nourissatti

Etroplus suratensus
That's a lot of westward movement for the island to be so close to the continent of Africa.
I have never been big on the mbunas though I have had a small few when I was into Aricans.My hands down,all time favorite African cichlid has to be the Malawai trout-Champsachromis caerulius.I love the body shape,blue coloring and long finnage of the adults.It is a pretty impressive looking fish when it reaches a decent size.
those guys are cool see them all the time do you think they would be ok in a 125 I love the yellow blaze peacock cant think of the actual name and the flame tail also red empress