FH ID from LFS

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 18, 2024
I was curious if some FH enthusiasts/keepers have any clue what kind of FH this is? It was at my LFS, and I've never seen one with these colors before, and it drew some curiosity out of me.
Any ideas??

FH pic 1.jpg

FH pic 2.jpg
I've been frequenting flowerhorn breeder groups for the last 2 months while I was looking for one of my own, and these are always just called golden base (GB).
$139!!! That's very expensive for such grade flowerhorn. This looks like GB malau. GB is very sensitive to PH changes, if you change too much water causing the water parameter to change too much, it will turn pale like the one in your photo. A nice GB will have strong colour like orange or red, lots of pearls.
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