FREE Fibreglass tank with viewing panel.


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
I'm based in Lancashire in the UK. Within the next couple of years I will be getting rid of my 360g fibreglass tank. This tank has been running trouble free since June 2019.

At the moment I'm just putting a few feelers out to see if there is going to be any interest from any UK hobbyists. If there isn't any interest then when I do eventually get rid of it I'll probably just chop it up with an angle grinder.

I'd much rather it go to a good home where someone else can get as much enjoyment out of it as I have.

Anyone interested PM me.


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
I don't wanna ask something personal but why, you leaving the hobby?
Certainly not leaving the hobby. But my little hex tank has taught me that you don't need huge fish tanks to enjoy this hobby. Eventually once the fibreglass tank has gone, I can see myself with 3 or 4 much smaller tanks, and I know I'll get just as much enjoyment, if not more, from those little tanks.

It's not going to happen overnight, the timeline will be around the next 18-24 months, hopefully, but it is definitely going to happen, I've already thought long and hard about it. This isn't something I can be talked out of.

I just hope that some UK hobbyist jumps at this chance of a fantastic tank FOC.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
I'm very interested. Can you ship? :)

I'd even chip in for half of the freight costs...:)

Seriously, Esox, I hope you are sure that this is what you want. I have on a couple of occasions dismantled/destroyed large used tanks when moving; this was usually done because of the impossibility of physically removing them in one piece up stairs, out of basements, etc. They had been built in situ and intact removal was simply impossible.

Wow...that was a surprisingly tough thing to do. I really hope that you find a good home for this one.
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Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
I really hope that you find a good home for this one.
I paid just shy of £700 for this tank way back in 2019. I've since priced the same tank up from where I got it from and you don't get much change out of £1500!!

If I'd have come across a similar deal back in 2019 I wouldn't have hesitated to travel the full length of the UK to collect it. It is an absolute no brainer to me.

But of course I'm relying on someone who's maybe at that time in their own aquatic journey to be looking for a large upgrade, and of course, have the space to put the damn thing!!

I PM'd Fishman Dave Fishman Dave about it some time ago but he never got back to me, but I'm pretty sure he isn't branching out anyway.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Okay, Esox, I'm not trying to talk you out of this decision. But I'm curious if you have considered the possibility of setting this tank up outside, either directly on a concrete pad or paving stone bed, or perhaps even on some kind of stand?

I would think your climate would be mild enough that there would be very little in the way of freezing to worry about? You could install a stock-tank heater in the tank during the dead of winter, which would keep the surface open and unfrozen. It wouldn't heat the water up much beyond the freezing point, and would cost very little to operate for the few weeks it would be needed each year.

Stocking? Two words: Gold. Fish. You'd love 'em. have often mentioned an attraction to Perch. This would be perfect for them.

You have the tank and all or most of the required hardware. You have the experience. You have an appreciation for some fish species that are very well suited to this enterprise. If you have a nice quiet corner in the yard that could accommodate the tank, along with a couple comfy patio chairs, maybe a little pergola or similar structure to provide some protection and shade...this could be a very pleasant and rewarding project for you. And, if worse comes to can still follow through and get rid of the tank later if it doesn't float your boat.

You're welcome! :)
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Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
Like I said in my post #4, and I quote, "I've already thought long and hard about it. This isn't something I can be talked out of."

The option of putting it outside, and the joys of stocking it with my beloved perch, was indeed part of the thought process. But it was a mere fleeting consideration. I dismissed it for several reasons.
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