Fire eel with white areas on one side

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 18, 2017
Hi my name is Josh and I am having issues with my fire eel. He is eating healthy and daily. I added a new decoration for him to hide in and now he has a white hole on him the really white spot on the picture. he also has quite a few grey/white areas as u can see closer to his tail it's mostly on one side there is a little spot on his other side as well. There is quite a bit of damage on the one side. I'm just worried about him can anyone tell me, if this is just scraping or is there something else going on here.There is quite a bit of damage on the one side. tank parameters are good just did a 40% water change it's only been 3 days since the last I normally do once a week water changes. He is in a 160 gallon tank and his diet is pellets and blood worms mostly, he refuses most other foods including shrimp and night crawlers. He is eating well and is semi active comes out of the cave during the day a few times at least when I am in the living room. Any help would be appreciated.20170717_220451.jpg

Ammonia levels?

Nitrite levels?

Nitrate levels?


Is the heater covered?
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That looks a lot worse than just scraping to me. I have the same questions as above and would also like to see more pictures, if possible.

Congrats on getting him onto pellets. Mine eat everything but pellets. Lol
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Hi sorry for the late reply he has had the same tank mates for a year. Pleco Common, Bala shark x3, Angel Fish x2, Black Ghost Knife, and 2 Redtail Botia Loachs, and a bristle nose.
Tank temperature is around 29C the heater is not covered but it is on the far side in the corner the opposite corner of his den. I have never saw him around the heater and the heater is on the lowest setting because it's hot here there isn't much need for it during the summer

It's hard for me to get a picture of the injured area, he only comes out half way and it's on his tail area

Here are is the sheet I tested yesterday

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from what I can tell it hasn't gotten worse, At the moment I am doing water changes every 3 days 40%
That looks a lot worse than just scraping to me. I have the same questions as above and would also like to see more pictures, if possible.

Congrats on getting him onto pellets. Mine eat everything but pellets. Lol
I didn't ever see him eat. He started eating in front of me about 3 months ago. I put a variety of food in different brands of pellets, blood worms, shrimp etc... and one day i saw him eating the pellets same with my ghost knife he likes them as well, but they will only eat certain brands it took a lot of playing around.
Could be that the pleco has started latching onto the fire eel. This is why I won't keep plecos in with my fire eels and cats.
Hmm ill keep on eye on him I haven't saw him go near the Eels cave at all he has his own cave, The eel shares his cave with the botia's they bring him food etc... they are best friends hahaha the only other fish that goes in the eels cave is the bristle nose and ghost knife occasionally, however I have saw the bristle nose latch onto the eel but it was never a problem in the past. I will try and get a better picture tonight during feeding.
Hmm ill keep on eye on him I haven't saw him go near the Eels cave at all he has his own cave, The eel shares his cave with the botia's they bring him food etc... they are best friends hahaha the only other fish that goes in the eels cave is the bristle nose and ghost knife occasionally, however I have saw the bristle nose latch onto the eel but it was never a problem in the past. I will try and get a better picture tonight during feeding.

Sounds like the bristle nose is doing it if you've seen it latch on. Better take it out.