• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Fire eel with white areas on one side

If your filtration is solid, there's nothing to worry as the fella is active, you will have to get the slime suckers out though
Get rid of the plecos. I've watched Bristlenose harass stingrays worth 1000's of dollars until death. They are notorious for this type of behavior. Once they get a taste, they usually come back for more. Any smooth fish they can do this to, eels, and even seen it happen to gars.

5 dollar fish killing a fish worth a fortune.. unfortunately it happens frequently

A bristlenose just killed stingray in the stingray forum a month or two back. The owner was warned by members (myself included) but he neglected it remove the pleco in time and was skeptical just like you are.

Then his stingray died just like we told him would happen.

This thread reminds me of that thread somewhat.

Only time will tell if it will have a similar ending.
Just an update all is well with the fire eel the decoration was the problem. He is doing very well every time we walk near the tank he comes to the very top and swims around like crazy begging for food. He isn't shy at all, he barely ever hides mostly when he's resting and surprisingly he is active during the day. The pleco and bristlenose are still in the tank, and no issues have come up. All of the eel's white damage to his scales and slime coat are gone, I monitor the tank daily before and after work, if I see any problems with the sucker fish, I will get rid of them.
Great to hear all is well