Plausible… Ive made 2 pond liner tanks with acrylic windows which is a worse bond than acrylic to pond armor. 1 bolted, 1 un bolted. I do not recommend using regular silicone tho. For starters the acrylic needs sanded with a decent grit to help the poor adhesion of acrylic to silicone. The best silicone for acrylic is Hutton Products Gold Label aquarium and pond sealer. Its expensive and hard to get in the U.S. but its worth every penny around $17-22+ a tube. My #2 is 3m 5200, a bit cheaper but a bit less bonding. I lightly bolted in the window with 3m5200. In both cases the silicone is more of a gasket so a generous, generous amount in needed. Seal in between the glass, the inside of the tank to the glass and also the outside of the tank to the glass. Most people skimp here and only do between the glass. I used 12 tubes for my unbolted window 8’x30”.What are your plans for attaching the acrylic sheet? I don't think you can use silicone. Screws? A flange of some type? I don't know if I've ever seen a plywood/acrylic build.
I have come into possession of a sheet of 1/2-inch acrylic that I am thinking about using somehow...
I summon thee, Acrylic Man! wednesday13
John, that new silicone u recently found/used should be similiar to Gold Label or 3m5200 … If it adheres well to pond liner it should b able to do an acrylic window as well.