Lol great job is quite an understatement when talking about your setups.. In your care, that artc will make it to adulthood! I had one that grew fast on me. it was aggressive and i found a fish i was able to keep it with, it grew to 2' and i had to move it on, i couldn't care for it. the tank mate was a 1' leporinus, he was a jerk too lol; the cat could never catch him. I think you can keep it in a larger set up like yours but idk if it'd go without any losses or issues. So thats up to you on whether the risk is worth it. Quite honestly, i think Zeezee might keep it in its place then again i wouldn't bet on it. Maybe the eel will be the only thing you can keep with yours lol. And cool to see Zeezee take the top spot, I remember reading all about your setups before on pcf, the biggest red tail was the boss for awhile if i remember right. Jaus are awesome fish, i like darker fish, and they're brutes. hopefully one day ii can keep them along with many others.