• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Fish Story Aquarium and Rescue, Naples, FL; two 4500 gal 13'x13'x4.5'

Thank you!

Small update Dec 3 2015. Still working on the koi pond house. Been getting delayed by weather, bait harvest, car problems, fish trips, etc.

A couple of videos of one 240 gal housing 5 Silurus asotus, 4 tropical gar, 1 spotted gar, tigrinus catfish, woodcat, jello cat (never came out of the cave). They are quite nervous as they usually sit without any lights:

This is an awesome tank and some lovely monsters
Thanks, mate. Means a lot coming from you.


Eel hug?

I had to shuffle fish yesterday and thought I'd see how a 4' Synbranchus marmoratus, aka SA marbled swamp eel (courtesy of Raymond Chan of Amazing fish), would be with a 14" ARTC (courtesy of Rouben "rmkblades") and an 8" Umbee. The cat tried hiding under the eel all day and sometimes it looked like the eel was hugging it
Although it looked like the eel didn't care, this morning the cat had a bite mark (mostly just the slime removed) on its head. Nothing serious (yet?). Will keep a close eye.

Eels, Synbranchus marmoratus and ARTC 1.JPG Eels, Synbranchus marmoratus and ARTC 2.JPG Eels, Synbranchus marmoratus and ARTC 3.JPG
Where you gonna put the artc when he gets big? With the other big cats? Lol and how are the Jaus? How big now. Great job as always
Thank you, friend!

Let's see first if the ARTC survives to "bigness" in my care but the thought is a separate tank, solo, perhaps ~1000 gal or so. I will learn about its compatibility along the way. I doubt I'll try comming it or it'd be successful but it's not off the table at the moment and time will show.

On the ARTC and the eel - the ARC has been bitten ~4 times in the three days they have been together with a bit of skin scraped. The eel's been untouched. I'll give them some more days.

The jaus are about the same. Zeezee ~28"-30" is the alpha of the whole 4500 gal. Zazula ~24"-26" is the beta. They have their territories and are in a state of constant, low-simmering war which sometimes erupts into violent skirmishes but so far with no serious damage, just tattered fins.

I need to separate them (again a need for another large tank) or adopt one out eventually.
Lol great job is quite an understatement when talking about your setups.. In your care, that artc will make it to adulthood! I had one that grew fast on me. it was aggressive and i found a fish i was able to keep it with, it grew to 2' and i had to move it on, i couldn't care for it. the tank mate was a 1' leporinus, he was a jerk too lol; the cat could never catch him. I think you can keep it in a larger set up like yours but idk if it'd go without any losses or issues. So thats up to you on whether the risk is worth it. Quite honestly, i think Zeezee might keep it in its place then again i wouldn't bet on it. Maybe the eel will be the only thing you can keep with yours lol. And cool to see Zeezee take the top spot, I remember reading all about your setups before on pcf, the biggest red tail was the boss for awhile if i remember right. Jaus are awesome fish, i like darker fish, and they're brutes. hopefully one day ii can keep them along with many others.
You are too kind but thank you. Having killed more than half of the fish I've ever owned, I've learned there can be no guarantees when it comes to live beings in general and particularly in my "care". I aim for the better but it often turns into the usual.

Wow, I didn't know or forgot you grew an ARTC to 2'. Impressive! And don't get me started on banded leporinus. I've got two rescues in the other 4500 gal, the "grow out", both ~10". They are jerks for sure. Even having so much room they nip fins and pester others... and mostly when I am not looking, as if they know...

If you talking back in Rochester NY (pre-2011), then yes, the boss of a 4000 gal 40'x6'x3' was a 30" RTCxTSN named "Evans" - http://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=29488&hilit=pet+catfish

TSNxRTC, Evans 1.JPG TSNxRTC, Evans 3.JPG TSNxRTC, Evans aug 12 2010.JPG TSNxRTC, Evans, Group 5.JPG
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Lol yea I talked about my experience with that fish when we were tryna help someone out who was talking about putting is with a smaller aimara. And yes they are jerks for sure! He was fast so he'd bother the artc and then out run him without much effort and then do it again. I wouldn't have blamed the artc if he got ahold of him. But he never did. And no I believe it was when you first comm the two in the tank they're in now. I'll see if I can find it for you lol I read it a few times cause I enjoy it. I'll read the link you just shared as well lol. And that's a massive tank 40' long, sheesh, goals for sure. That'd be a dream tank lol