Fish Story Aquarium and Rescue, Naples, FL; two 4500 gal 13'x13'x4.5'

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I never realised how suspenseful and entertaining it can be to watch a large greedy fish not eat!

Fish Story & DIY Public Aquarium is an apt name for your enterprise.

If convenient, I suggest you try fresh salmon carcass frames from a seafood monger. They are very cheap (sometimes free), the brain contains lots of nutrients and there is a surprising amount of flesh on the bones as each frame is around 1kg weight. Best of all, they produce an irresistible oil slick - scent that will hugely excite all the predatory fish. The bones themselves are nutritious and not very hard.

Best of luck for next feeding!
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It’s admirable how you care for your fish. Perhaps, you can try mixing the B1 powder into the Vitachem and injecting the liquid into the mullet so it doesn’t wash off so quickly in the water column and they get more nutrients. Also, are you open to the public yet?
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Thank you although IMO I think I am slowly discovering some basics of care. I do either presoak or injection, having still not figured out which is more efficient and convenient. With injection, one needs to be more careful it seems as overdosing on VitaChem's fat-soluble vitamins can be a bad thing.

Yes, we have been open to public by appointment since 2015 but especially so since several months ago, 7 days a week. M-S 10-4, S 12-4.
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