Much appreciate here your kindness and support. Indian shovelnose has been doing well after that mishap when the paroons decided to try to eat it a couple years ago. To my deep regret, a good third of its magnificent dorsal fin has not grown back and the scarring on the new skin on the top, around the dorsal fin is visible. It's been slowly beefing up but still looks a bit too bony and skinny to my eye. It NEVER ate fish for us, 100% pellets. One of its eyes is a bit funny, maybe the retina separated, or maybe a cataract grows, but I noted this only a year ago but there was no particular event that I'd think could cause it and the eye condition hasn't got worse at least for now.
Thank you greatly for your attention and generous marks for our humble efforts. I too would have liked to know more on their biology in the wild. I've never found time yet to read up on this. The jumbo 4500 gal community is frightening

I think it's a fair description. Distichodus are smart and assertive themselves plus I know a bit from experience that they can be fine in there provided the paroons are not allowed to get too hungry, because the paroons killed a 2ft sexfasciatus in this tank about 5-6 years ago, before I knew better. Couldn't eat it of course, just stressed to death. Sexi is smaller than that 2ft was though. Also, one time Sexi freaked out as I was catching a fish in the tank, darted and got too close to the jau mouth, who out of the blue grabbed Sexi by the head. The jau let go after I pushed him with a stick. This never happened before nor after so far.