Fish Tank Disaster

Tristan's 6000 Fish

Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
Jul 29, 2024
Vidalia, Georgia/ Brooklet, Georgia
Thursday evening, Hurricane Helene came through Georgia and messed us up. I have two houses, one in Vidalia and one in Brooklet. Fortunately my house in Brooklet was okay... being that it is surrounding by Pine trees. Unfortunately my house in Vidalia was crushed by three pine trees. I have no trees in my yard. I cut them all down. My neighbors all have trees though, and three of them snapped in the wind. I believe the highest wind gusts were 75mph. My house is 2 stories, and all three trees landed on the roof, crushed through the whole upstairs, and one went all the way through the house. I had 4 of my 120 gallons full of fish upstairs and a few others downstairs. I lost quite a few very nice fish... and the house too, but very upset about the fish.

According to U.S law I am liable for all the damages to my house, even though it was my neighbor's trees from their property. It was considered an 'Act of God' according to the law. Gotta rebuild the house, and try to setup new tanks. My insurance company is already to work, but it could be a upto a year before its fully back together. Quite abit of Brooklet was damaged badly. Trees all over the road, power lines/ poles down and houses were crushed. That storm really f-ed up all of Bulloch, and Georgia to be honest. I believe 15 people lost their lives from Helene. People also won't stay off the roads. I pulled over 4 people Friday morning for racing on closed roads

The worst part is another one is brewing up right now.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 26, 2024
Okeana Ohio
Crikey mate, that's devastating. Sorry to hear about your situation :shakehead Hopefully your insurance works well with you to restore what has been lost. All the best mate :thumbsup:
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MFK Member
Dec 25, 2022
Cayman Islands
Sorry to hear, and wish you the best with rebuilding. Unfortunately when there is widespread damage the likelihood of insurance companies going belly up increases. When hurricane Ivan hit the Cayman Islands in 2004 the island was devastated and an insurance company we used filed for bankruptcy. We had to cover our losses and received cents on the dollar from the liquation years later. I hope you have a better result.
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Canister Man
Staff member
Global Moderator
MFK Member
Aug 17, 2005
So sorry to hear.
Wishing you and your entire region a full and speedy recovery from the storm.