• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Fish-To-Human Disease Transfer Risks

I just found out most my tanks have "gravel worms" as do most aquariums. That really freaked me out, especially when i started to vacum them out.
hi oddball,

You info regarding fish TB is very useful. I have a question regarding that, I do not know for sure if I have fish TB in my tank or not but I siphoned the tank water with the mouth but didn't get any water into my mouth though and as soon as the water started running I immediately washed my mouth with the soap. I am just worried thinking about that if I could actually got it or not. Also, if a person get fish TB can the fish TB passed from person to person. Does the bacteria will be still alive even if you let the gravel cleaners get dry. Please let me know. Thanks.
I don't know why but this made me laugh. How funny would it be if I, doing water changes and over worrying about my fishes condition, catch the diseases myself and die! Irony at its finest
I actually knew about the possibility to get infected with some sort of salmonella strain from one's tank, didnt know about the other deseases tho.

This is one of the reasons why our tanks should be in perfectly clean conditions not only on the sake of fish health but ours.

I have siphoned my tanks many times and to start siphoning I always suck one side of the hose while the other is in the tank and one time I got careless and this very dirty water from my turtles tank got into my mouth...lol! -If you have kept turtles you know what kind of dirty water we are talking about, literally ****-

I spited the water and went to the bathroom washed my teeth very well, I rinsed my mouth and gargled with listerine, after that I drank some tequila shoots to kill any possible bacterial remain....lol!

Furtunately nothing bad happened.
You should wash your hands prev and after them getting into your tank.