fishhead0103666’s fishroom

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
welcome back,

how far did you move?

all the stock are gone?

is it hard sleeping with all the tank business?
Thank you.

17.5 miles, I haven’t yet actually moved in, I’m being forced to take it half my progress temporarily due to unforeseen circumstances that are out of my control.

Absolutely not, I just moved all of the fish that I didn’t mind parting with. It is only now how much I realize how much I miss my bichirs though, they’re the only once’s I regret parting with, I shall have to get more when the time is right. I almost parted with my green severum that I’ve raised from a fry to 8” or so but I backed out on him the last minute and I am happy I did.

Absolutely not, I have had tanks in my room for years, I now can’t sleep easily with it being dead quiet, I’ll be up for at least an hour if not two if it’s dead quiet. The sounds have become second nature to me, I can tell if something is off just by hearing the sounds at this point. A while back my cat shutoff a power cord and I noticed the difference in sound within seconds of walking in the room.

I had actually mentioned the 2x10s just for that reason. Lowes/home depot will cut lengths of dimensional lumber for you but won't cut plywood to size ime. Probably half the cost as well. Oh well do what works best cant wait for updates.
Just got the stand painted, gonna try to put it in the room tomorrow after work.

Can't wait for updates, there better be catfish involved!
Let me put it to you this way, at least 2 of the 125’s will be dedicated to my Wallace’s shoehead catfish, I’m pretty sure one is going to be a general community of whatever I find in general, and the last one is unknown as of now. I have ideas for a Jaguar catfish and a dwarf giraffe catfish as of now, I’ve wanted them both now for a while.
I have 16 fish waiting on the weather to get better to ship out to me, two separate species of fish, one group of 10, the other a group of 6. :popcorn:
Looks good. Keep updating
Thank you, and absolutely comrade.

I also have a fish who missed his flight. Damned weather.
Whats your fish?

like your beard.
I never thought I’d hear that from someone. My nickname used to be “patches” because there are a few patches in my beard that absolutely will not grow any hair, it’s just bald. Small patches but still patches.

Ok everyone, as I’ve said I will likely have one 125 that I have no idea what to do with. Any ideas? Lake Malawi cichlids are not an option, I hate them with a passion, literally anything else is a possibility. Ooh, maybe saltwater.....
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Just a few ideas I had that I wanted to put here.
If I were to make a 6’ x 2’ stand and add in a brace at the 18” mark it would expand my available options should I upgrade to a 180 gallon. I would be able to do my 125 gallon while still having the option to use the same stand should I get a 180. Why stop there? Why not add more braces in case I go a different route? I’ve drawn up a rough idea of what I’m thinking for my 125 stands which are upgraded to a 6’ x 2’ foot print.
I put it down on paper of how I intend to get the 6’ tanks and stands into the room given I don’t have enough space to move them in without changing anything unless I want to put them on a dolly vertically which I do not. Hopefully it makes sense to others. The final picture implies that the tanks have been put into the stands and the bed has been moved back into the original place.

I have 16 fish waiting on the weather to get better to ship out to me, two separate species of fish, one group of 10, the other a group of 6. :popcorn:
It looks like that number might go higher, I found out another fish I’ve been wanting is available and if everything goes as planned then I will be getting another 8 fish.
I’ll be updating later today hopefully. A little bit about some temporary changes, permanent changes, and the status of a fish in particular which I’m not happy about. Oh and also the last package and a package I didn’t post about.
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