Ok, fact as a both commercial fisherman and recreational fisherman I have to put my 2 cents in... I have personally been involved in destroying the worlds oceans with massive nets, this disgusts me now and as such I refuse to eat any products that come off trawlers, prawn, scallop, shrimp, etc. there are other ways to harvest these bounties. I have commercially line fished for reef species, the habbits are not a great deal better and illegal bycatch is sold under broad names like cod, you guessed right I dont touch the stuff now. I have also done charters, these are the worst of all for animal cruelty, a goup of drunk blokes on a boat for 7 days at sea cause more intentional animal cruelty than any commercial fishing boat ever will. I also have line fished since I was 4 yo, and spearfished since I was 12yo. i believe that spearfishing is not only far more dificult than line fishing but inherrently more dangerous. most spreafishermen I know practise release and catch technique. this means we release what is undersize, bad to eat, and non target species by watching them swim by. we chose which specific fish we catch from the school, avoiding larger female breeders and juveniles alike we often target a specific size range for its prefered eating qualities. As with line fishing ther are lost fish, thes have about the same chance of survival if not better that that of a fish with a hook in its gut. Trophy fishing of any kind no matter the technique used is often detrimental to the fish caught. I am happy to provide the pro's and con's of both sides of the spearfishing/ linefishing debate as I firmly believe you are wrong about this technique.
I have nothing to say however on bow fishing as it isnt popular here and I know little about it.