• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
If everything goes right big bruh and I will make a return trip to "Waller Mill reservoir" in Willaiamsburg,VA next weekend!!

Its a five hour drive but I need to get away for a few days, plus the chance that I might catch a fish has me siked! I really plan on boosting up my catches for the year!

Heres last years results but Im a WAY better fishermen now!!!
jworth;4748428; said:
you eat northerns? Arent they quite bony? There is a good population around here that people treat as trash, so I am thinking I will just eat them when i catch them. Any tips?

Are there any good baitcasting reels with a clicker on it. I have a 7' Medium heavy pole that I want to put an Abu 7000 on but was just curious if there were the smaller baitcasters available with a clicker.
Yes we eat northerns. They do have a set of y bones but other then that not really. Most people treat pike as trash I myself hold them above bass. Pike are a vary touchy fish. They ruined the best pike lakes around here. The lake I kept that one from is a lake that is full of little ones so I have no problem taking any 24-30 inchers I catch. I take it you are going to be targeting pike on open water and not ice. I would say fish with bass spinner baits. Chart. and white booyah is never a bad choice.
Dreamsofpeace54;4751683; said:
some reels have clickers. you can leave the bail open and when a fish takes line there is an audible clicking noise.
I use them on my catfish rods. There is all Baitfeeders on spinning reels.
Dreamsofpeace54;4752348; said:
The baitfeeding system lets you set a really light drag so you know when a fish takes the bait. Then flip the lever and set the hook! The baitfeeder feature works in conjunction with the quick-set instant anti-reverse so you never lose a fish.

To have a reel made just for that specific purpose seems redundant. Because you can just lower the drag on any reel and do the same thing. Also the graphite body is not he best for a fishing reel they tend bend.
Happy new year my fellow fishermen!!!

What a great year it was( fishing wise) and I'll have 2k11 up sometime today!