Pomatomus;3748633; said:38 aquarium is good, and there is another one down the street called win tropical aquarium is also good. They have a particularly shiny arowana, but I doubt it's a platinum. 123 aquarium (across the street) also has some fish, but not many.
But the best LFS in general down there is Pacific Aquarium on Delancey. They have some FH's too. Oddly enough, they have a small tackle selection as well.
Let me know what you buy!
Tequila;3748712; said:Yep that it Pacific Aquarium on Delancey St,. Not Mulberry St. My god son knows the owners there or used too. They do there own importing.
cichlid fiend;3750459; said:Yeah we Checked out the pacific spot but it wasn't the best. I'll have to say the little store u mentioned was WAY better!! We also checked out 38 aquarium and win tropical.
I grabbed two small red dragans and my boy got a fency pleco.
Pomatomus;3751004; said:Which was that? 123 aquarium?
My favorite is New World Aquarium on 38th. It isn't the largest but I have been going there since I was seven years old. They have very healthy fish. I used to spend an hour there once a week. It's the place that started my addiction!
cichlid fiend;3752331; said:I think it was called jc aquarium. It's a very small shop but it was wall to wall flowerhorns. All ranging from $18 to 688.
I actually was able to get a few pics in before the owner pointed out a sign that said no cameras. The selection was mind blowing!