New ripsaw / niger rescue, about 1.5ft named Nigel
I'm happy for Nigel. He looks great.Nigel goes to 1800 gal:
I had assumed they had consistent growth but it appears maybe not. I felt bad but all my other fish were quickly outgrowing him to where it was no linger safe to continue to keep him, or he would end up as a meal for 1 of them@Damascus I don't have much to tell you.
We got 3x baby Pterodoras granulosus in 2015 and one, I suppose the female reached 2ft+ in about 3 years, the other two lagging behind badly at 1.5ft, I suppose males and even today 8 years later they are still under 2ft it seems.
We got 3x 6" juveniles Aug 2022 as rescues / donations. Two are good eaters but one has doubled in size, the other some inches behind. The third unexpectedly lies between a couple of rocks and NEVER did I see it come out or even feed, so it's not growing, but not wasting away either.