flowerhorn & bloodparrot breeding project

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

ok, all eggs turned white and never hatched.

i might give it one more try. but i was thinking, even if it worked out what am i gonna do with all the babies?
I hope you have better luck next time. Looks like a neat project!
I would let them try and spawn at least two more times......sometimes new couples need a few rounds of eggs before they get it right.....the babies can be sold....there are a lot of people out there that are into that kind of cross.....good luck maybe next time.....and if not then maybe the time after that.....
I agree, give them a couple more chances to get it going.
yo bro! the size of the fish is easily being sold to closes markets. For example, 2 dollar each for 1 inch or you can post up a sale and sell it for 2-5 dollars each.
lmao or you can give me some for free. hehehe
thanks everyone.

i think i just found a reason to continue this project.

can anyone tell me how fader FH come about?

ilovearowana, it takes alot of work breeding/selling/shipping that i dont think its even worth it. my goal is to breed for a fader FH, if that is even possible since i dont know how faders are made. i will end up keeping one or two that i like and giving the others away. i guess i can go by post order to give them away? so i guess your #11
I want to say that fader had a bit more of the midas bred into them to make them fade. It is a trait that they normally have. Well, its either midas or red devil, heck, I can't remember.
FH x Midas = fader

does it matter which one is male/female?
Parrots have the fader gene in them as well, and i think both midas and red devil fade, but i think when you cross them not all of them end up fading.

My last spawn was between a female red flame fh (a fader type) and a male Low grade ZZ. Out of around 20 i saved I ended up with about 5 faders, which faded at around 2 - 2.5 inch. I kept two of the none faded cause they came out with nice Flower lines but thats about it, then the rest were all pretty much no good.

But their mother has that delayed fader gene, which made her fade at a later stage, she was about 4-5inch when she started her fading process. tbh when i first got her i didn't know what a fader fh was, or that she was going to be a fader at all for that matter... Its all luck IMO.

I read here on MFK, (I wish I saved the page), but someone was explaining how there are two fader types, those that fade at an early stage in their development and those that fade later. In saying this I didn't end up waiting to find this out, I gave away all the rest of the fry, and culled others, So i don't know if I ended up with any of the later faders. As i said you get lucky, but i'm thinking the rest weren't going to fade.
I guess it goes, if there is more of the fader gene present, (e.g. FaderxFader) then the greater the percentage of faded fry in the end.

Sorry for the long winded response, I hope I helped a little, and im hoping someone else can expand or explain more clearly what I was trying to get at with the fader stages.
sorry when i said:

"i think both midas and red devil fade, but i think when you cross them not all of them end up fading."

I meant that as in, crossing either of them with something else, not with each other....