Fluval FX5 pump problems....


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 22, 2005
Had my FX5 running on my 255gal tank for around 5 years with no problems, then last night switched on the tank lights and noticed there was zero flow coming from the outputs......the last time I looked flow was perfect so I knew to go from this to zero the pump was not working at all...so I tried the obvious changed the fuse in the plug....still nothing. After a bit of reading I realised that I had one of 2 scenarios either the 'chip' in the 'smart pump' had failed in which case it was bye bye FX5 or it was seriously clogged with sand and debris and the impellor was struggling to turn...I could hear a humming coming from the pump but it was cold if the pump was running without impellor turning I would expect it to overheat....Anyway realised I was going to have to strip it down and take the pump off and clean/inspect the impellor assembly so after much cursing the stupid idiot who thought it was a good idea to put the pump at the bottom rather than the top....I got it off and took it to bits....rather disappointingly was pretty clean but removed all debris checked the bush for wear all good and reassembled I tried plugging in the pump expecting it to be dead....but low and behold away it went.....so quickly turned off and cleaned/rinsed all media and put the whole thing back together in situ and filled up.......plugged in and ......NOTHING....aaaaarrrrghh...what is going on! So now I'm facing stripping it all down again tonight, think I will try the pump in the bathtub this time just to check it properly. Is there anything I could have missed that would stop the pump working when attached to the filter. The only thing I was thinking I didn't pay enough attention to was the output tube attached to the pump outlet....has a right angle before it ascends to the top of the filter....I'm wondering if something could be stuck in there...I'm using sinstered glass beads as the biofilter so perhaps one has got stuck in there...but surely if this was the case I would hear the impellor turning and struggling all I'm getting is the same electrical humm....
Anybody any thoughts before I strip down again tonight ?????
At least I have 2 other filters running on the tank so I'm not pannicking too much.....


MFK Member
Feb 19, 2006
BC, Canada
I'm in my 7th year with my FX5. Only had a couple of occasions where I've cleaned the impeller unit out and found it wouldn't start afterwards. Had to dismantle the impeller again, rinse it all out and then it started again. Its a pain because the I like the filter on the whole but find it a pain to clean out each time.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 22, 2005
You're right there Robroy it is a pain to clean....the impeller unit looked fine, the bush on the end also fine, my only concern was when I lined up the arrows to push the assembly back in to the well it didn't seem very tight....hey ho will check again tonight....another late one i think the tank is due a wc anyway....


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 22, 2005
Finally got the problem sorted, after much frustration ended up stripping it down and running it dry (i know big no no) while I positioned the pump housing back on filter body would only go in one 'sweet' spot....also if I tightened the top screws too much it would cut out again.....will try a new impeller next time I think......


THE serrasalmus rhom
MFK Member
Nov 3, 2011
The fx5 micro chip will cut the power if it calculates and determines enough resistance or lack of torque and rpm, since it's all magnetic its easy to measure, what probably ended up happening was yours was slowing down from debris and it got hot enough and eventually the chip shut the unit off, then when you reassembled it wrong or not perfect it still detected a high load value and the same happened.

This happened to me once when there was sand caked in my unit and i thank god it auto shut off or else it would have burned the motor and or impeller to hell!

Btw when you tighten the 4 screws on the motor unit do them diagonally (top left-bottom right-top right-bottom left) at first just tighten them till you feel a tad of resistance once all 4 are on then go back and give them another turn or so the same way (diagonally) , that way the motor assembly is centered and there is no pressure points!

Glad to hear it's fixed!


Go S.Vettel #1 RB8 3X WDC!!!!!!!!!



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 17, 2012
This is just a filter you need to understand I think. Maybe not a good filter for a beginner who dosn't know the in and outs. Lets face it this is a unique design and most times if there are issues at all it takes some know how on the little glitches that this filter can have. F1 you seem to realy know this filter I so many times have seen you come up with solutions which are unique. Not meaning to be patronizing I just watch the post as I may have this issue one day. Scarysdad so glad to hear it was a easy fix. I had my impeller jam but have yet to realy have to tear it down.


MFK Member
Aug 21, 2011
There are way too many threads with FX5 issues. Leaking, stopping, micro-bubbles and many more, but yet so many people swear by them and recommend them. Fluval have gone downhill just like Marineland. All they are concerned with is profit and thus their products and customers suffer. I would stay away from both manufacturers.


THE serrasalmus rhom
MFK Member
Nov 3, 2011
There are way too many threads with FX5 issues. Leaking, stopping, micro-bubbles and many more, but yet so many people swear by them and recommend them. Fluval have gone downhill just like Marineland. All they are concerned with is profit and thus their products and customers suffer. I would stay away from both manufacturers.
Lol. Very wrong. Hagen is a great company, the aquaclear series are bulletproof and so are the fx5


Go S.Vettel #1 RB8 3X WDC!!!!!!!!!



Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Lol. Very wrong. Hagen is a great company, the aquaclear series are bulletproof and so are the fx5

I have both filters on different tanks and ZERO issues. The OP has been running his for 5 yrs and just started to have a small issue. That to me falls within an acceptable amount of time for some small wear and tear with an impeller replacement and what not. After all these things are going 24/7, year after year, you will have to replace a part eventually... Even my Eheim canister needed an impeller recently, yep thats right it did not last forever either!