Useful info from YT.
Sagawai Black • 6 hours ago (edited) i have 3 giant paroon sharks approx 135cm, 90cm and 120cm. When they were in pair they were always fighting despite having a 25mx10mx2m pond but when i got the third one; they all chilled.
TBTB: Wow. Great to know that there are peers like you out there! Thank you much for this info, it is useful. It compliments our experience in a polarizing but constructive for the overall picture way. We rescued six 2-footers in a bad shape in Mar 2016. They always established and maintained a hierarchy in our 4500 gal. Perhaps as a result, we lost two in the first couple years, likely they hit a wall too hard when spooked and fleeing but would have survived if it wasn't for their RTC & Co tank mates trying to eat them. So there were 4. Then one was sold to Rodrigo of Predatory Fins who begged us to have it. Then three lived well for couple years until two of the three turned on the third intending fully to kill it, biting it badly incessantly, so the third was also sold to Rodrigo. Here we are with 2 left. The smaller one had been dominating the bigger one for a year or more after the 3rd left but then the bigger one challenged that and the smaller one submitted. Now in this video, this is the most recent occurrence where the smaller one started to answer back to the bigger one. So, overall, the relationships have always been in flux, although could have been mostly peaceful long time, months and years but then problem could arise any given day! Vigilance is a prerequisite.
Super Dragon • 10 hours ago i hate the fact that paroons are in every store nearby, they get up to 190cm and 250 according to some people, too huge to keep in any tank exept people arapaimag, maybe in a 20 000gal they would do fine but not almost any monster tank
TBTB: I can relate to it, true. But I also relate to wanting to learn 1st hand. These fish are raised for food in SEA and we get culls, refuse, runts and dinks in our trade, so if one tries to keep them and learns well along the way, it is not that bad of a scenario, not ideal but there isn't an ideal one. It doesn't exist. Things can be made worse or better but I am all for education and freedom. Educate kids and adults but give the freedom! If you educated them but they still want the experience of keeping a paroon, let them gain it. One thing is learning from books and from someone else's experience. Nothing beats 1st hand experience. These lessons stick with you for life.