A year later - update on the 3 tropical and 2 Florida gars in the 4500 gal. Doing well. Growing slow if any, except for the smaller Florida one. The trops and Elvis (the bigger Florida one) are around 2.5', roughly estimating.
Bowfin. A living fossil and a native North American snakeheadwhat is the fish with the undulating dorsal fin
I did think the pic looked a bit odd lol... Wasent sure if the longer snout was just deceptive for the proportions or just mislabeled all together like ur sayin. I tried checking georgias state record florida gar and all that comes up is longnose. Checked my own state and theres only a record for longnose as well with 3 native gar species in ohio. Its pretty sad the vast majority and probably even most DNR can’t properly identify their own states species. Fitting lol...Thank you, Russ! But isn't the gar in the picture a longnose?? Are you messing with us? Looks like the picture and info are from the Fishing World Records site, which is marred with some glaring misidentifications, like a 7' Zungaro jahu (that is a piraiba) or a 4' juruense that doesn't exist. I use that site for my database but double check the ID.
Yes, Solomon "the Penguin Lover" is great! But I can't seem to tap him via the @E_americanus. I've written him a PM.
Bowfin. A living fossil and a native North American snakehead