Here's mine in freshwater. It lives in an aquarium. No pond. Tiny bit of salt in the water. 2 tbsp per 5 gallons +/-... It's about 12" long now. Had it about a year. Bought it from Wes @ Rare Fish when it was about 3.5" long. Eats anything meaty, but loves Hikari Massivore Pellets best. It's only tankmate is an 18"+/- Alligator Gar. Would love to find the Grouper an awesome great big NEW home. My wife and daughters want me to keep it . It's like having an underwater dog. Really tame and smart(for a fish). Thanks. Seriously though, someone want it???
Sorry for the dirty aquarium. Been really busy lately. Found a home for it. Bronx, NY, going into a 265 gallon aquarium until it needs more room. Thanks.
I don't know why it shows up so cloudy. Has to be the glare or something. The water is clear and has never been cloudy. Some algae and brown diatoms maybe, but no milky water.
Can you give us an update. Bumblebee grouper will survive in your freshwater tank for 1-2 years but if you put him in salt water tank he might last for 10-15 years.