Freshwater Fish ID {EASY,MEDIUM,HARD} Game Daily

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
2: green chromide
1. Salvelinus malma
2. Paretroplus maromandia
3. Chetia flaviventris
4. Congolapia bilineata
5.Ptychochromis makira
Flawless. #3 was labeled as C brevicada, but i'm not iNaturalist is not the best resource. Out of curiosity, do you know these fish immediately, or do you have to search them up?
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1. I had to search for the S. malma. I ate a lot of them so I knew that it must be a Salvenius. But I had to look it up whcih is in the picture.
2. I just knew
3. had to check which Chetia - there is not much information about Chetia.
4. I just knew - I think there are no pictures availiable of other Congolapia species.
5. I recently had read the paper describing P. ernestmagnusi in which it had to be differeciaed from P. makira.