mr_ifo;1044158; said:
Yeah, that would be great to have a list of all the occupants of your tank!
I'll try to remember what I have and update from time to time
astronotus orbicularis- wild oscar brazil x1
lates niloticus-nile perch x2
lates mariae-tanganykan perch x1
elopicthys bambusa-mongolian pike x1 one died last year
Tor putitor-golden masheer x1
Tor soro-true red tor x1
Tor tambroides-blue fin tors x1
Tor khudree-high back masheer x1
Neolissochilus hexogonolepis-speed tor x1
Boulengerella cauveri-giant pike characin x1
Myxocyprinus asiaticus-chinese high fin loach x3
Neoceratodus fosteri-Australian lungfish x2
Botia macracanthus-clown loach x3
Datnoid pulcher x1
Datnoid siamensis x1
Epinephlus lanceolatus-bb grouper x1
Siniperca scherzeri gold x2
Siniperca scherzier black x1
Siniperca sp. China x1
I think that's it for now, sometimes I add more, and sometimes I take out a few.