• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Full grown Adult Blue Acara, any pics?

My friends old male would have been 7" TL, probably slightly larger.

Unfortunately I have no real current photos. February 2009, bit of lip damage.


True Andinoacara pulcher, though? Who knows in Australia. Nice looking fish though.
Forgot i made this thread! mine has grown from 1" to 5" (just over 6" including the tail) in the time i made this thread! he is gettign very fat as well, looks alot like yours Japes but fatter.

The photo you put up is a Andinacara Latifrons same as mine, the Pulchers have a silver fin edging.

I actually re-found this thread looking for tank mates.

Could i keep Rummynose with mine and a Pair of Rotkeil Severums in my 100g?
No chance with the Rummynose, they're very much a predatory Cichlid. The Severum will do fine though.

glenbo;4166964; said:
The photo you put up is a Andinacara Latifrons same as mine, the Pulchers have a silver fin edging.

Both lining variants exist, from memory the white lining pulcher are from Venezuela, and the Yellow/Orange from Colombia. I'll find a link of a wild pulcher with yellow lining.

Edit: Here's the photo, can't find a link to the content it was included with though!

Ahh didn't know that, that Norwegian guy who had a 'Aequedins/Andinoacara' species page thing i.d'd mine via email a few months ago, his site seems to have gone down now tho.

Hmmm my list is now..

Congo Tetras or Rosy Barbs or Lemon Tetras

How would a shoal of 8 of these get on? (one of, not all) (with the fish in my signature)
I like keeping it as Amazonian as possible, is there any Amazon Tetras that would fit in without the BA eating them?

I say as Amazonian as Possible...because my plants all Anubus lol :) but decor is sand and roots etc.

Edit: Yes that was the guy :) (Alf Stalsberg)