Gar sitting at the bottom

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Alligator gars that are that size sit at the bottom if there isn’t adequate current. They are low key lazy ambush predators.
Does anyone know what their behavior in the wild is? Ambush hunter? Cruising predator? Maybe they lay around when not actively seeking a feed 🤷🏻‍♂️
I have a vague recollection of seeing marbled gar for sale here. From memory in a similar price range at that size 🤷🏻‍♂️
in short, they're bums lazier than my delhezi

jokes aside it is probably lack of actual factors that would stimulate him to move, I've noticed that some fish develop complacent personalities where they occasionally lounge around if "nothings" really happening and then getting up when food comes around or other external factors.

perhaps the gar in the tank has just gotten used to so many people walking by and peering at him that he could honestly care less

its also very possible that it is just intrinsic nature from their ambushing and sneaky personalities as Caveden Caveden said

id like to believe that they're bums just like me though :thumbsup: