JoeDizzleMPLS;3050154; said:
no, there really isnt. some fish do share the same characteristics, but just because a fish is collected from a certain area, it doesnt necessarily mean it will look like every other fish collected there.
it has gotten to the point now where every time someone sees a rhom with a humeral spot, everyone automatically assumes that it is a xingu, or every time someone sees a rather plain looking rhom, it is instantly just a boring old peru rhom, when someone sees a rhom with glittery scales, they call it a diamond rhom, and when someone sees a rhom with a bluish hue to it, they call it a blue diamond rhom.
it is cool to see the different looks that rhoms have, but you can't just look at the way the fish looks and automatically determine where it was collected... you could look at a fish and say "that looks alot like a picture i saw of a rhom that was collected near rio xingu" or "that rhom has a very steep dorsal region" and call it whatever you want, but you just can't know for sure where it was collected.
agreed, there really is no where to tell where a rhom was collected unless you pulled it out of that river.
There's no one that can just look at a picture of a rhom and determine where it is from. You cannot say that a rhom from this river will 100% have these distinct features.
Rhoms also change so much as they grow. A 2 inch rhom looks completely different from a 6 inch rhom, that looks different from a 9 inch rhom. A lot of their features that may be distinct to a certain river change as they grow and when they are put in the aquarium.
I know where my rhom was collected from (or I know at least where the collector said it was from), but when I posted it there was a couple people who were like nice peru rhom.
good guess, but completely wrong like 95% of guesses. I really could care less where my fish was actually collected from. Really would not be a determining factor for me to purchase it. If I saw a peru rhom next to a rhom labeled as a Guayana rhom, if the peru one looked better I would grab him regardless of where he was from. The charecteristics of an individual fish should be a more determining factor then collection point.
A lot of times rhoms from different collection points catch more $ just because of how much different countrys allows to be exported each year.
As far as blue diamond, gd, black diamond, etc.. high back... just a way to describe a fish. Like blonde hair, red hair. Or blue accord, or red accord. You can really put any name on your fish.