I kept assuming they did (until this thread) as these two are practically inseparable, figured the group as a whole followed each other around. Not a huge deal that they don't.
I am working on getting rid of the Texas and the Oscar, as they were purchased when I first had the tank ready and didn't know what direction I wanted to take it yet. After deciding Geos and friends, they don't exactly fit into the picture.
I have always had a few larger fish, so I am hoping to have a nice tank with a larger number of fish in it this time.
My plan is:
10x Buenos Aires Tetras (Already in tank)
6x Redhead Tapajos
2x G. Abalios
4x G. Dicrozoster
I had wanted some Clown Loaches, as I finally have what I would deem as enough space, but haven't decided yet. They like soft water and my water is slighty harder than their preferred levels.
Filtration on the tank is a 1300-1400 GPH MB sump with a cubic foot of K1 currently, with room to add a little more if needed later on, but I don't think I will need it.
You guys have any other types that would be a good fit for the "community" or do you think I am borderline over doing it?