Geophagus vs African Cichlid.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

No Problem at all or It will make a mess!

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This is true for majority peaceful Geos, but a few aggressive Geos such as red head or Brazillensis can stand up to most Africans. I have a Geo Iporengensis, a small cousin of Brazillensis, that is picking fight with every tankmate.

The ones my brother have are red head geos. Guess every fish is different.
There are several species called red head. I am referring to steindachneri complex, which are rather aggressive. If you are referring to red head Tapajos, they are rather timid.
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Contrary to many other,I have found that if introduced correctly it works just fine. PH of 7.3-7.6 which both fish are fine in(I know not everyone agrees but africans can live below 8 just fine) and slightly lower temperature like 25 degrees. If you add the geophagus first for a few weeks and then add african cichlids that are smaller than them, half the size or less if possible. This means that the geophagus have already claimed territory and when the cichlids go in the are too small to dispute.

of course there are exceptions but I have done this numerous times and as long as you feed well generally no aggression develops.
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