GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
here's my gal after about 3 or 3.5 years. she's over 12 inches tall, close to 23ish inches long, and has lower trailing arms more then 12 inches long.


she's currently fighting anchor worm disease so wish her luck! so far she's pulling thru strong!
zennzzo;2488045; said:
10 gallon quarantine tank...then it's on to the 120 grow-out...


They do have live guppies, as well as frozen and freeze dried bloodworms.
They prefer the FD BW over Frozen and live guppies. I also have a sprig of iceberg lettuce for them, but they just chomp here and there on it...

nothing but them and what's left of the guppies...
Dude I can deal with all the colors except for the yellow, though I'm not sure why you are using so many of them in the first place.

Yanbbrox;2488047; said:
Are you asking me? NO! guess you didn't see that I updated the post after I posted and read it, lol. I thought you knew this already, as you've quoted me I'll answer, ignore if not directed at me?

Size 12-13'' (just measured scientifically, with a ruler chasing the fish around the tank;))
Tank is a 116 usg, not including canister volume
Temp is 28 or 82 depending on your scale
No tank mates, just 3 pieces of wood and gravel
On veg diet for 2 reasons, firstly it's more suited to what they would eat in the wild and secondly it's cheap. Just go to the supermarket on the way home and pick up all the reduced veg and fruit with a day or two life left for 20p and throw it in the tank.

Ok, here's my take on your fish = they are still too small to tell what the heck they really are, though I don't believe that they are EE. Yanbbrox, thinks everyone that gets a GG and doesn't know which one they have has a EE. Just judging by the pic you posted awhile back, yours aren't them, different shape body. I cannot sex them now, and probably won't be able to until there at least 8~10 inches and approximately one yr old.

As for feeding them, I would stop feeding them feeder anythings, Guppies, Goldies and Minnows & other mass produced chemically treated fish. I stated that feeding them veggies isn't that important right now and it isn't. But if you wish to do so anyway just place a few sprigs of Egeria Densa (#058 in the Tropica catalog) many fish enjoy eating this plant, especially goldfish. But I wouldn't really worry bout the veggies until there big enough about 5~6 inches and even then I would suggest that you just feed them some dried algae pellets/chips/waffers - that are used for feeding Plecos. That they can pop down in one gulp!

I would concentrate on feeding them Live Worms = Tubies, Bloods, blacks, Glass if for whatever reason you prefer dead then use frozen. (perfect time to start training them to hand feed). Also you can feed them live or if you prefer fresh frozen baby crickets, when they become larger you can give them waxworms which will beef them up almost over night, so it would seem. Note that feeding crickets allows one to gut load the crickets if one wishes prior to feeding or freezing. I wouldn't recomemnd feeding them Mealworm of any size until there are lease 6 inches and only if there freeze dried. When there about 5 inches you can import a shovel from Yanbrrox and start feeding them what is commonly known as Troutworms or Red Wigglers these while make them grow like magic - and there easy to find and keep alive.
Questions what if anything is in the quarantine tank in the way of preventive medication(s)? And is there an of fish in the 120 now?
ethnics;2488228; said:
here's my gal after about 3 or 3.5 years. she's over 12 inches tall, close to 23ish inches long, and has lower trailing arms more then 12 inches long.


she's currently fighting anchor worm disease so wish her luck! so far she's pulling thru strong!

How are you treating her for the Anchor Worms, are you treating the whole tank and if so what size is your tank?
its 400 gallons, and im treating the entire tank just incase of other babies or infected fish. i've inspected every fish inside the tank tho and she's the only one with anchor worms. so annoying. but i'm treating with minor dose of copper which u needa be really careful with. i've gotten rid of about 80% of the anchor worm so far on her body, hopefully the rest thruout the tank are dying off just as much. i can't physically see them tho, i just read to dose the tank just incase
ethnics;2488412; said:
its 400 gallons, and im treating the entire tank just incase of other babies or infected fish. i've inspected every fish inside the tank tho and she's the only one with anchor worms. so annoying. but i'm treating with minor dose of copper which u needa be really careful with. i've gotten rid of about 80% of the anchor worm so far on her body, hopefully the rest thruout the tank are dying off just as much. i can't physically see them tho, i just read to dose the tank just incase

Just out of curiousity why did you decide to use Copper?, instead of the many other products out there? - like potassium!
ethnics;2488228; said:
here's my gal after about 3 or 3.5 years. she's over 12 inches tall, close to 23ish inches long, and has lower trailing arms more then 12 inches long.


she's currently fighting anchor worm disease so wish her luck! so far she's pulling thru strong!
Big girl,

Tequila;2488280; said:
Dude I can deal with all the colors except for the yellow, though I'm not sure why you are using so many of them in the first place.

Ok, here's my take on your fish = they are still too small to tell what the heck they really are, though I don't believe that they are EE. Yanbbrox, thinks everyone that gets a GG and doesn't know which one they have has a EE. Just judging by the pic you posted awhile back, yours aren't them, different shape body. I cannot sex them now, and probably won't be able to until there at least 8~10 inches and approximately one yr old.
A true point I get giddy thinking someone else might have one, the numerous posts I've made on this subject go something like this, ' it looks EE but I've been wrong in the past'

Wes, said he couldn't be sure but wasn't convinced and he's still the only other person I know to have owned a true exodon if you still don't believe that George is one:

As for feeding them, I would stop feeding them feeder anythings, Guppies, Goldies and Minnows & other mass produced chemically treated fish. I stated that feeding them veggies isn't that important right now and it isn't. But if you wish to do so anyway just place a few sprigs of Egeria Densa (#058 in the Tropica catalog) many fish enjoy eating this plant, especially goldfish. But I wouldn't really worry bout the veggies until there big enough about 5~6 inches and even then I would suggest that you just feed them some dried algae pellets/chips/waffers - that are used for feeding Plecos. That they can pop down in one gulp!

I would concentrate on feeding them Live Worms = Tubies, Bloods, blacks, Glass if for whatever reason you prefer dead then use frozen. (perfect time to start training them to hand feed). Also you can feed them live or if you prefer fresh frozen baby crickets, when they become larger you can give them waxworms which will beef them up almost over night, so it would seem. Note that feeding crickets allows one to gut load the crickets if one wishes prior to feeding or freezing. I wouldn't recomemnd feeding them Mealworm of any size until there are lease 6 inches and only if there freeze dried. When there about 5 inches you can import a shovel from Yanbrrox and start feeding them what is commonly known as Troutworms or Red Wigglers these while make them grow like magic - and there easy to find and keep alive.
My opinion on growth rates is that they slow down a lot at 8-10'' they still eat like pigs but planning time is needed for a bigger tank and he never goes hungry. In my oscar tank last night the big one had 10 prawns in it's mouth and wouldn't give them up to make sure he got them all, not a problem in a one fish one tank setup. As for feeding I understand your point on the growing on thing but as proved in the past they will eat anything, at the moment he's on the cheap stuff, still growing but I don't want him to out grow the tank and have to give him up if everthing goes worng at work and I can't get the extension done next year.

ethnics;2488412; said:
its 400 gallons, and im treating the entire tank just incase of other babies or infected fish. i've inspected every fish inside the tank tho and she's the only one with anchor worms. so annoying. but i'm treating with minor dose of copper which u needa be really careful with. i've gotten rid of about 80% of the anchor worm so far on her body, hopefully the rest thruout the tank are dying off just as much. i can't physically see them tho, i just read to dose the tank just incase
You should treat the whole tank as if everyone had got them, nasty little things, only way to be sure
Tequila;2488356; said:
Questions what if anything is in the quarantine tank in the way of preventive medication(s)? And is there an of fish in the 120 now?
I'm using rid-ich at the recommended dose...
And YES there is a dam near full compliment of fish in the 120 grow out, at the time, from Aros, Dats, big and med cats all juvis...

They will all wind up in the 360 when it's time...

Pics that I seen online as Juvi exodons, like the one I posted looked the all GGs look similar at this size?
zennzzo;2489029; said:
I'm using rid-ich at the recommended dose...
And YES there is a dam near full compliment of fish in the 120 grow out, at the time, from Aros, Dats, big and med cats all juvis...

They will all wind up in the 360 when it's time...

Pics that I seen online as Juvi exodons, like the one I posted looked the all GGs look similar at this size?
It's fairly easy to spot commons at this size, it's redtails and EE that tend to look the same, I'm basing my guess on the black spot near the rear.

I know I get a bit giddy when new babies arrive, I just want someone else to find one. Zen any chance you can get a darker picture to show some more color as the other ones were a bit bright? I'm interested in the tail colors if that helps, if they turn out to be red tails they won't be red at the moment but darker.