GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Tequila;2654485; said:
Yes after this mornings openingofthe Pandra's box, my rtgg's went psycho and killed both of my 1/8 lbs wild silver angles. It all happend within 5~10 minutes tops, just check in on then beforegoing downstairs to do the washand BANG-#%%&&#~* one was a instant floater the upside down on the bottom as deadas if a freight train had hit them. And guess what I grew those angles from nickle size babies. I am pissed the all FrEakIng HELL.

Seriously if someone wants these Fkup fish they better bring a bucket and come get them ASAP. I was starting to warm back up to them a bit but now, the only warming up will be a frying pan. I have a good mind to go home a just Harpoon those animals.
Hardly a fair sport in a tank. For a challenge attach a pin to a cocktail stick;)
Yanbbrox;2656203; said:
Hardly a fair sport in a tank. For a challenge attach a pin to a cocktail stick;)

This is about revenge, and eye for an eye sort of thing. Those Discus where in that tank long before those dam GG's. The Angels are leftovers from the grand planted community tank.
fishsikk66;2639528; said:
hey guys

i have 2 rtgg in a 5x3x2ft (LxWxH) with a paroon shark

im pretty confident that the 2 rtgg are male and female.

please feel free to comment.

the 1st photo is female, the 2nd male and them together. i also included a video clip for more clarity.






Do you have a full tank shot they look amazing!!
Was wondering if you guys could help me out? I've been keeping my RTGG in a tank with no substrate for awhile and want to get some. I just can't make a definitive choice on what would look best. I was thinking tan pool filter sand, black rock, natural river rock? Could you guy post pics of your gourami's with different floor colors? Input would help. I'm leaning toward the sand, but want to see other ideas. Thanks.
KNMG;2675358; said:
Was wondering if you guys could help me out? I've been keeping my RTGG in a tank with no substrate for awhile and want to get some. I just can't make a definitive choice on what would look best. I was thinking tan pool filter sand, black rock, natural river rock? Could you guy post pics of your gourami's with different floor colors? Input would help. I'm leaning toward the sand, but want to see other ideas. Thanks.

I keep my Monsters on medium size Red River approximately 5 inches deep, but thats do to the fact that I use UG filteration system. Though I do think that the tank would have look much better had I painted the background black prior to setting up. But when you have the free man power to set something that weighs over 200lbs when empty up, you do it right then and there.

Not that you get to see alot of the gravel base in this vid.

KNMG;2675358; said:
Was wondering if you guys could help me out? I've been keeping my RTGG in a tank with no substrate for awhile and want to get some. I just can't make a definitive choice on what would look best. I was thinking tan pool filter sand, black rock, natural river rock? Could you guy post pics of your gourami's with different floor colors? Input would help. I'm leaning toward the sand, but want to see other ideas. Thanks.
Pea gravel for me about an inch deep. I used to have it bare bottom too, a hang over from my discus keeping days. After some gentle nagging from Loulou(for months, and I still think he'll end up at my front door one day with some black paint for the background;)), I put it back in and it does really help. Waterchange with gravel vac every week.

Sand is a bad idea IMO due to the waste that seems to settle in the gravel, not too bad I suppose if you use UGF like Tequila but even that would be a pain with sand.

Sorry for the dirty glass, just got in from a late shift and have been switched to the early one for tomorrow:

Tequila;2675504; said:
I keep my Monsters on medium size Red River approximately 5 inches deep, but thats do to the fact that I use UG filteration system. Though I do think that the tank would have look much better had I painted the background black prior to setting up. But when you have the free man power to set something that weighs over 200lbs when empty up, you do it right then and there.

Not that you get to see alot of the gravel base in this vid.

I see a picture, no Vid?
Yanbbrox;2675657; said:
Pea gravel for me about an inch deep. I used to have it bare bottom too, a hang over from my discus keeping days. After some gentle nagging from Loulou(for months, and I still think he'll end up at my front door one day with some black paint for the background;)), I put it back in and it does really help. Waterchange with gravel vac every week.

Sand is a bad idea IMO due to the waste that seems to settle in the gravel, not too bad I suppose if you use UGF like Tequila but even that would be a pain with sand. Sand and UG don't go together at all!

Sorry for the dirty glass, just got in from a late shift and have been switched to the early one for tomorrow:
View attachment 310040

I see a picture, no Vid?

Yeah I don't understand why either and the image is squished too.
Does anyone have tips for good Gourami tankmates? Mine was originally in a tank with a pike when I got it. Unfortunately the pike was kicking it's ass. Then I purchased the fish and decided that it would work in my 210 with a pair of Oscars, a Jack Dempsey and a few Severums, but the Oscars and the Jd decided to terrorize the poor guy untill I shifted some fish and put him in a 180 all by itself. Seems like a really placid fish. What could I try that would be complimentary and relatively peaceful? Any ideas?
mines in with 3 aro's, fire eel, and a tropical gar, with 3 spotted gar and some bichir in the growout...everybody gets along fine. all fish dependent though...