Hardly a fair sport in a tank. For a challenge attach a pin to a cocktail stickTequila;2654485; said:Yes after this mornings openingofthe Pandra's box, my rtgg's went psycho and killed both of my 1/8 lbs wild silver angles. It all happend within 5~10 minutes tops, just check in on then beforegoing downstairs to do the washand BANG-#%%&&#~* one was a instant floater the upside down on the bottom as deadas if a freight train had hit them. And guess what I grew those angles from nickle size babies. I am pissed the all FrEakIng HELL.
Seriously if someone wants these Fkup fish they better bring a bucket and come get them ASAP. I was starting to warm back up to them a bit but now, the only warming up will be a frying pan. I have a good mind to go home a just Harpoon those animals.