Sea Moose;4427058; said:
Nah i am newb and i dont know who the players are. I am not a hippy. I eat meat and i go fishing.
I just dont like the idea of my GG being some Azn dudes breakfast.
I disagree with killing pigs but i eat pork! Damn oxymoron.
No, You CHILL...... O' excuse me I'm just a new-B know nothing that jumped in the chatroom read a handful of posts and then decided to post 19+ "

I'm not some Azn (Asian) guy that's feeding his family on local fish fauna, somewhere in third world Asia or for that matter some Aussy chowing down a Murry Cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii), Dourado (Salminus brasiliensis) or Barramundi (Lates calcarifer).
You wanna use the title new-B, well then act like one, don't read something and then attack someone for something they said in one post as a joke. But I made that statement because in half seriousness, because yes I've eaten not one GG but all four of my RTGG's and they where great tasting, why you ask - because there was nothing else to do with them. And I had fed them so much good quality seasoning why waste it

Sorry try as hard as I may, fish are food not pets. Pigs make better pets. Sit on the other side of a room from a pig and call it and it will come. Do the same thing with a fish and at best it will swim a bit and then smack it's face into the glass - Duh

As a new-B you come wanting to know more about your fish, well you can just either ask in the chatroom or search online. When I had my fish there wasn't much info anywhere on them. I only split thead of one of mine that jumped and I wasn't able to revive, to win a bet. A bet about teeth or crushing plates, trust me on this GG's have shape teeth and plates too. It's not a fish I would lip if caught on a hook.
Well enjoy your stay here and I hope you have something too offer because I bore real easy, I've been in the hobby now some 35+ years.