Yeah the eating them part is still just a thought, I still love them very much. I house mine in a small 180G tank along with a few other tank mates for company. There not great fans of Spinach but they eat it. Mine prefer the premium stuff, like fresh live earthworms, when non are available they'll take Superworms live of course, though they now LOVE regular mealworms freezed dried. There all time favorites are live Blackworms, they'll each put away bout an ounce each, even after eating there veggies. They also love Turtle food, TetraMins Turtle Stix they love'em and so do everyother fish in the tank. This weekend I'll try posting some pix and maybe a movie of them.
For I love having a planted tank with real plants, which isn't possible with these beasts. Plus when I goto the store I keep seeing all these fish that I could put in my tank if it wasn't for these RTGG. Plus with smaller fish I could purchase only one or at best two foods per year and feeed them. Plus I would have many for fish to look at and enjoy. Plus the kids in my building enjoy cming to see how much they have grown in just a week. I'm doomed.