The major portion of Molly diet is algae, and the large rocks with sections facing the sun, seem to grow a constant supply in the Cenotes
I believe the high nutrient component of this type algae may be one of the reasons for such great growth.
I also noticed that large males seemed to display a territorial aspect, almost like farmers, in areas at lower depths that had unrestricted areas of sunlight on algae patches, a more cichlid like attitude than most live bearers, especially in Cenote Cristalino. These deeper areas, also seemed restrict and afford greater protection from bird predation, allowing for unrestricted growth of those that avoid the cormorants, and other shallow water hunters.
I believe the high nutrient component of this type algae may be one of the reasons for such great growth.
I also noticed that large males seemed to display a territorial aspect, almost like farmers, in areas at lower depths that had unrestricted areas of sunlight on algae patches, a more cichlid like attitude than most live bearers, especially in Cenote Cristalino. These deeper areas, also seemed restrict and afford greater protection from bird predation, allowing for unrestricted growth of those that avoid the cormorants, and other shallow water hunters.