I've been concentrating in the past couple years on fish species that tolerate or even require seasonal temperature variations, and it sounds like these fish might fall into that category?
If so, maybe you should consider not only temperature extremes but also the time spent at those temperatures. I have started provide some supplemental heat to fish which, on paper at least, don't need it. My concern is that with a much longer cold season like I have, the cooling "rest" period is several months long, which may be longer than they are adapted to experience. As fall moves into winter, and then again in early spring, I apply some heat so that my Gymnogeophagus, Garra and other seasonal fish are only at the coldest end of their temperature range for about three months, instead of the 5 or 6 they would otherwise be stuck with if kept at ambient basement temperatures.
I don't know how important this is, if at all. Certainly it can be inconvenient; if too much heat is applied, I have had some breeding activity occurring much later in fall and earlier in spring than I had hoped for or expected. And of course, I don't know how long your cold season would be in your locale; just something I thought to throw out there for your consideration.
If so, maybe you should consider not only temperature extremes but also the time spent at those temperatures. I have started provide some supplemental heat to fish which, on paper at least, don't need it. My concern is that with a much longer cold season like I have, the cooling "rest" period is several months long, which may be longer than they are adapted to experience. As fall moves into winter, and then again in early spring, I apply some heat so that my Gymnogeophagus, Garra and other seasonal fish are only at the coldest end of their temperature range for about three months, instead of the 5 or 6 they would otherwise be stuck with if kept at ambient basement temperatures.
I don't know how important this is, if at all. Certainly it can be inconvenient; if too much heat is applied, I have had some breeding activity occurring much later in fall and earlier in spring than I had hoped for or expected. And of course, I don't know how long your cold season would be in your locale; just something I thought to throw out there for your consideration.