Someone needs to make this a sticky.
I also feel the need to respond a couple things I saw skimming this thread... maybe someone beat me to ti already but:
Acrylic is NOT stronger than glass, thanks. Glass is actually incredibly strong, but because of it's enormous sensitivity to defects (chips propogating into cracks, etc.) it has a recommended safety factor of 10 or 20, instead of 2 or 3. A perfect peice of glass could be 1/4" thick for the front of a 24 or 30" deep aquarium... but any chips will be disastrous, so they make it thicker.
Tempering glass for a tank is a very bad idea. Yes, you increase the tensile strength of the material by up to 5x... but you also create enormous internal stresses to achieve that strength. Any damage at all to the glass once it has been tempered can result in the glass shattering into a million tiny pieces. This is why a car window can be destroyed with a tiny diamond tipped hammer.
Glass is also a pretty good insulator. Compare the amount of time needed to cool a beer bottle vs. a beer can. Any difference between glass and acrylic in insulating properties probably won't affect your power bill much.
As for optics, I got 5/8" glass for the front of my tank, and I'm wishing I could have afforded 3/4" acrylic instead. The green isn't SO bad, but the refractive index of it makes it so if you get close up and move side to side trying to see into a cave or corner, you get dizzy from the distortion.
That said, having three kids running around the house, I would be forever fretting about them scratching my beautiful fish tank. At least this way I won't have to look through scratches at my fish. If I lived alone I might be tempted to go acrylic on anything over 75g or so.