• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
You use plastic scrapers and take your time. I would be highly pissed if that happened to me.
Thinking of building a 550 gallon tank. Not sure if I want to build a custom acrylic tank or get a glass tank. Weight won't be an issue at this size either wat
Scratches on acrylic are so simple to remove. I use a mighty magnet cleaner set. Just swap out the algae pad for a scratch remover pad, Swype the scratch a few times and you're done. No removing water, easy and simple. Scratch glass (even though harder to do) and it's there for life. New acrylic doesn't contain cobalt which causes yellowing under uv-b radiation. Plus if you're acrylic does contain cobalt still doesn't matter if your tank is indoors. The glass windows on your house filter out uv-b rays from the sun. So unless it's outside, doesn't really matter.

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I use glass for my little cute tanks ( 35, 180, and 210. yes 210 is little to me) acrylic for my monsters (450, 600) and that's not even that big compared to some folks in here. I couldn't imagine moving my 450 or 600 if it were glass. Took 8 guys with acrylic.

This is monster fish keepers right!?

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If money no object, then Yeh acrylic does sound good, light, clear, and light, but I'm old fashioned and like a big glass tank, also here in the UK, glass Is cheaper, especially if you have friends on the glass trade ;)

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Phewww - just read through all 42 pages of this thread while researching Acrylic Vs Glass for my projects.

I came across a site that has interesting information about Acrylic.

Some interesting facts (all copied from the site listed)

Acrylic glass is less dense – its density can range from 1150-1190 kg/m3. This is less than half the density of glass which ranges 2400 to 2800 kg/m3. Transportation and assembling of acrylic building materials are consequently easier and cheaper.

Acrylic glass has a higher impact strength than glass and will not shatter. Shattering is wanted by most applications where tempered (tough-ended) glass is used, e.g in automobiles. However it is not wanted for most others. Non-shattering makes Acrylic the ideal material for applications where it would induce fatal losses, like in submarine windows. Polycarbonate is also a great material that does not shatter.

Acrylic glass transmits more light than glass. Up to 92% of visible light is transmitted through acrylic. Mineral glass transmits 80-90%, depending on type of glass and manufacturer. This is especially relevant, when comparing load bearing transparent materials. These windows are mostly several centimeters thick. Load bearing mineral glass that we know of is derived from bullet-proof glass – in relation to acrylic it appears milky.

Resistance Against Chemical Attack: Acrylic is frequently used in aggressive environments. For example chlorine levels in today's swimming pools have no notable effect on acrylic. Whereas mineral glazing, that is used in the same environment deteriorates quickly. Mineral glazing for this purpose is layered and separated with plastic foil. This foil degrades quickly under these conditions.

Heat Insulation: The value of Thermal Conductivity – abbreviated ? is higher for acrylic than for glass. ? for most types of acrylic is 0.19 W/mK.

The surface of acrylic is softer and more easily scratched than mineral glass. It is advised to check acrylic cleaning guidlines in order to prevent abrasive or chemical damage. However, it is easy to polish acrylic in order to remove blemishes. Scuffed mineral glass would need to be replaced.

Two or more acrylic blocks can be bonded seamlessly to form one structure.

While there are benefits to both Plexiglas and mineral glass viewing panels depending on the application, in recent years, acrylic has surpassed mineral glass in versatility and multiple uses.

Acrylic Panels are sold under various names and brands. Some of them are:
PMMA, Polymethyl methacrylate, methyl methacrylate, Plexiglas, Perspex, Plazcryl, Acrylite, Acrylplast, Altuglas, R-Cast, Polycast, Lucite and ShinkoLite-A


Plexiglass(Acrylite) is owned by a German company called Evonik Degussa Gmbh.

A subsidiary of Degussa and I.G.Farben, the Degesch , produced the pest control poison Zyklon B. Zyklon B was used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau as the main means for mass murder. These war crimes during World War II should not be forgotten. Today the relation between Degussa and the survivors of the holocaust has improved. Degussa has come to terms with its history.

Dont know about you, but for me this is a very very god reason to never buy anything Evonik Degussa Gmbh. YMMV.
Sand paper, rubbing compounds, rubbing compounds (repeat forever), more polishing, cussing, sweating, more cussing, and more rubbing compounds.

I had to giggle at this, it's sounds like my husband trying to get rid of those scratches. But personally that what I would get a buffer fitting for on a hand drill would make it a bit easier
so many good things about acrylic tanks!! 1. stronger 2. lighter 3.clearer 4. fish won't jump out as it isn't fully open. they scratch more easily but if you scratch the acrylic you would probably put at least a little scratch in glass (not like glass won't scratch). also you don't have a ring around the top of tank. you won't have extra weight (if weight is an issue) especially on a big tank the glass will weight a lot.
I've always had a definite preference for acrylic, for reasons already mentioned ad infinitum. Just easier to work with in so many ways.

But, yeah, one more hobbyist here who will go out on a limb and say they prefer acrylic over glass.
Acrylic tanks are very easy to restore if you get any scratches. Glass is nearly impossible to get rid of scratches. The most important thing is Acrylic tanks don't split and leak like glass aquariums. From someone who has been in the hobby for 55 years, it is not a matter of "IF your glass/siliconed aquarium will spring a leak, it is a question of WHEN ?" I have seen them last 25 years, and I have seen them split after 5 years. Catastrophic if your tank is other than in the basement, which is the only place I will have glass aquariums.