That parasitic rasping is just incredible! And he seems very persistent.
Fortunately the gars have very tough scales so probably little harm. Other fish, another story. Thanks for sharing!
New rescues from Matthew: 16" rhino pleco & 16" common (since they fought right away, I had to separate, so rhino went to another 240 gal), and two cute little buttons 2" albino bushynose (went into the minnow 240 gal)
Sharkie the black shark was downgraded almost 2 months ago from 1800 gal to 240 gal. In the first weeks it had been receiving a non-welcome from the common pleco resident, which would chase it away from its whereabouts, especially during feeding, by trying to suck up to the shark, and the shark would escape quickly without answering back. Nowadays all is well and the pleco doesn't bug Sharkey in the past weeks, not that I noticed anyway.
The new TSN from Matthew added 4 inches in 2 months and likely started to bother the smallest tank mates - the smallest glass catfish and chinese hifin, so trying it in a different 240 gal tank, where Sharky the black shark and a common pleco reside. The pleco shows dominance to the TSN and the black shark: