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Golden Wolf Fish

piscavore pisces

MFK Member
I haven't been able to find much info on the gold wolf fish. What is the scientific name? I heard it is one of the more active wolves is this true? What is it's max size? And are tank mates a no no? How much do they usually go for? Anyone have a good pic of one? Thanks
Are you saying about the "golden trahyra", Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus? It's a nice fish... More active than Hoplias, not a lurker, but it actually chases its prey. Mine keep cruising the tank most of the time.

Best regards.

i dont know the scientific name i just seen it referred to as golden wolf or gold wolf. sounds like we're talking about the same fish. what's the max size on them? can you keep more than one in the same tank? how are they with tankmates that are too big to eat?
Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus is what is commonly referred to as a gold wolf. They grow quickly to 8" but then slow down. The largest I have owned was 14" and I haven't seen too many that size or over. You can get ones at the 5" mark for quite cheap. I was able to keep three together until they reached 9" and then started to beat on each other. Be careful with mixing tankmates as they can be quite agressive with older.
^ helpful insight thanks. i think i'll set up a tank just for a few of them and maybe keep the best specimen if they won't get along anymore.
forgot to ask if they were as ferocious eaters as the common wolf. are they really active or just active compared to the common.
Well... I got eight juvies at the 2-3 inches range and they are already beating the smaller ones. They are much more active than the "common" wolffish, Hoplias malabaricus. There's NO comparison. They keep cruising the tank and they really HUNT their prey, even following them around the tank. My babies like to stay close to the surface and, believe it or not, eat floating pellets. As soon as I put food in the tank, they come to the surface to get their share... And actually fill their little bellies with these pellets. :WHOA:

Oh, they are said to be somewhat more sociable than Hoplias, but I can't tell if it's true yet. :D

I'm pretty sure you won't regret getting some of these. :grinyes:

Best regards.

yes they are very active and problably as ferocious as there brothers i had two they would lurk the tank and when it comes to chow time they are crazzy i lost one it escaped and dried up so the other one i put in a 55 gallon with an arrowana and over night it took a chunk the bite looked as if a little kid took the arrow out and bit into its belly and left a perfect mouth size chunk from it what a lost but i thought it was cool i love wolf fish but i like the hoplius better it looks more evil with its colors
i cant wait to get one now. just waiting for the tank i set up for some to cycle. yea they may not look as mean but i want a wolf thats active and in plain view all the time
If only i would have a LFS that actually has some fish other than Goldfish,small tetras and some Barbs. :( [i would like a Predatory fish that can be kept in a 300L[about 80G] aquarium but i cant see my LFS biggest fish gets to around 6-8 inches and are not predatory.