I used to keep a small group of these guys. They are definitely one of my favorite fish. The only downside is that they will beat on each other in the same fashion that smaller tetras will if you don't offer enough space, you don't offer enough hides, the group is to small, or you don't have any other "peace keeping" fish. Since they are much more powerful and have much larger death this behavior can quickly damage or kill the fish on the bottom of the hierarchy. If you can get the right combination they really are an awesome fish that do shoal like some of the smaller tetras. I kept mine with a hoplias intermedius, hoplias curupira, red hooks, a pair of oscars, brycon at one point, and even a florida softshell turtle. I found that they love to eat insects. I had floating plants and would dump a bag of crickets in the tank and they would hunt through the plants for the crickets. I can post some old pictures if you're interested.