Have a 30g tank with 2 heart blood parrots, 1 bala shark and 3 guarmi's.....was looking for a good dither schooling fish to help calm the blood parrots, pet store said guarmi's would be good...but I don't think they're working...they seem kind of spazzy and may be doing the opposite. Looking for a good recomendation of something that looks cool, bright colored, that will help calm the parrots.....can't be too small as to be eaten? can't be too big due to tank room. Any good suggestions?? Something that will swim whole tank or mid to top range...
Also anyone know how quick bala shark's grow? Ours is very small now, I have heard they get real big, but also have read that they grow very slow...well what exactly does that mean?? How quick is this thing going to outgrow our tank? Hubby had to have one!
Any info and help will be greatly appreciated! New to this whole fish thing....Thanks!
Also anyone know how quick bala shark's grow? Ours is very small now, I have heard they get real big, but also have read that they grow very slow...well what exactly does that mean?? How quick is this thing going to outgrow our tank? Hubby had to have one!
Any info and help will be greatly appreciated! New to this whole fish thing....Thanks!