6 ft. X 3 ft. X 30 inches high. Is that a good size tank for rays to live in & enjoy themselves? And does anyone know what to expect a glass tank new this size should cost? Thanks in advance for the help!
Yeah it's good. I have a retic in a 210 and he's doing just fine and that's the same blueprint but 2 ft wide instead of 3. But that s good size tank. You'll get the people that say its too small but everyone likes to talk but won't walk if you know what I'm saying. It's plenty of room for small rays like retics and hystrixs as well as other rays. Even larger rays like Motoros will be ok even tho they can get up to 2ft in home aquariums but then agen I've seen people keep 3-4 Motoros in a 75-100g so your ok. Good luck!6 ft. X 3 ft. X 30 inches high. Is that a good size tank for rays to live in & enjoy themselves? And does anyone know what to expect a glass tank new this size should cost? Thanks in advance for the help!
Their ok in square tanks, sharks just bang up their nose alot and it can hurt them and they have trouble making the turns with stiff bodies.I might be wrong but make sure stingrays aren't like sharks and need a rounded tank. You wouldn't want them to get stuck
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