The more I read about this the more I’m thinking it’s some sort of chlorine burn or something. Saying it can take some time to do damage…..maybe it affected some of the fish worse or quicker than the others…
I’m wondering if it’s Ick now. Never had it before, but now the smallest of the Danios is dead and the one Firemouth out of the 2 left is looking rough. The Danio last night did have some spots or almost like a velvet sheen going on. But it was late and it was a tiny fish that never stops so I didn’t know if I was just looking too far into it. Now the Firemouth kind of looks the same.
How do I treat my tank for Ick to hopefully save who’s left and be able to add new fish?
I turned temp up to 83, read that after 2 days that’ll kill it. Accurate?
I did last night with Prime. Going to do a large water change today and redose again of course and clean the tank up as well. Guess I’ll wait a couple days after that and see.Do however long the treatment says, if it is ick. Also put in some dechlorinater to make sure that your tank water is completely safe.