Grass Pickerel care/introduction


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 12, 2010
Oswego Illinois
Hi, Im new to this site and was reading a lot about the grass pickerel.. I have seen people with these fish in a 55 gal tank.. I was wondering if this sized tank would be big enough for this fish? I only have a 20 gal tank as of now but that will be changing today as my buddies selling me a 50-55 gal tank (not sure how much) for $30. A) Is this a good price? B) Will the fish be able to live in this tank without being "trapped" so to speak? C) Were is the best and cheapest place to buy one? I live in Illinois so I will probably have to get it shipped here as the economic troubles have cause all the small pet shops around my area to close. Also what would be a good native fish to go along with him? Im going to be new to housing Native fish, been an angler for them for a good 13 years, (im only 16). Would it be possible to keep a Largemouth or a Smallmouth with him? Any and all suggestions for this would be amazing.

Sorry to ramble on.



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 18, 2008
The South
Zmuda- a 55 is acceptable for a small pickerel, but don't plan on him staying in it for life. The problem is nt volume but footprint- a standard 55 is only about 13" wide, which is too narrow for a full-grown pickerel to comfortably turn around in. Try to find a tank with at least an 18" wide footprint. A 75 gallon would be ideal.

Pickerel like still water, lots of cover, and peace and quiet. I suggest you avoid tankmates. You can keep a small group of pickerel as long as they are the same size. If you must have tankmates, try relatively slow-moving, passive fish that won't harrass or annoy the pickerel. I have kept a warmouth and grass pickerel together and saw no issues. Largemouth and smallmouth are absolutely out- the bass are too aggressive and will eventually grow large enough to eat the pickerel, plus you would need a much larger tank to keep them.

I suggest you buy a captive-raised pickerel from Zimmerman's: I've bought from them several times, and can tell you they will give you high-quality fish and good advice.

If you don't want to spring for the bigger tank- that is a good deal on a 55, by the way- consider smaller pickerel-like fish. Mudminnows (Umbra sp.) , pike livebearers (Belonesox belizanus) and some of the pike cichlids (Crenicichla sp.) would do just fine in a 55, and might be more suitable for a community than grass pickerel would be.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 12, 2010
Oswego Illinois
Noto;4206608; said:
Zmuda- a 55 is acceptable for a small pickerel, but don't plan on him staying in it for life. The problem is nt volume but footprint- a standard 55 is only about 13" wide, which is too narrow for a full-grown pickerel to comfortably turn around in. Try to find a tank with at least an 18" wide footprint. A 75 gallon would be ideal.

Pickerel like still water, lots of cover, and peace and quiet. I suggest you avoid tankmates. You can keep a small group of pickerel as long as they are the same size. If you must have tankmates, try relatively slow-moving, passive fish that won't harrass or annoy the pickerel. I have kept a warmouth and grass pickerel together and saw no issues. Largemouth and smallmouth are absolutely out- the bass are too aggressive and will eventually grow large enough to eat the pickerel, plus you would need a much larger tank to keep them.

I suggest you buy a captive-raised pickerel from Zimmerman's: I've bought from them several times, and can tell you they will give you high-quality fish and good advice.

If you don't want to spring for the bigger tank- that is a good deal on a 55, by the way- consider smaller pickerel-like fish. Mudminnows (Umbra sp.) , pike livebearers (Belonesox belizanus) and some of the pike cichlids (Crenicichla sp.) would do just fine in a 55, and might be more suitable for a community than grass pickerel would be.
Noto- Thanks a lot for the advice. I may have to save up to get a bigger tank. Im really looking to get some predator fish. Im a huge esox fisherman, so I love to see fish feed off other fish. I dont know if that weird or not. I was able to get 4- 1" bluegill today while I was fishing so thats a good start for my native fish.

I want to thank you again Noto for all the help that you gave me.



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 14, 2008
AQUAMONSTER;4206856; said:
Is it possible to keep a glass pickeral with warm water fish like a clown knife

grass pickerel....and i hope that was a joke....warm water or not they would be killed. pickerel will kill anything that is moving...anything:screwy:


MFK Member
Jul 19, 2008
In the garage
bumpylemon;4212618; said:
grass pickerel....and i hope that was a joke....warm water or not they would be killed. pickerel will kill anything that is moving...anything:screwy:
Mine lives with a bichir and a banjo cat. They're the only two fish he hasn't tryed to eat yet. He even killed a pleco.


MFK Member
Oct 29, 2007
Pike are cool to watch, i had one awhile ago, he was 9" when i had to give him away but i will get another someday.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 12, 2010
Oswego Illinois
Im ordering two from Zimmermans the first week of July when I get back from my fishing trip to northern Wisconsin. Cant wait to get them in my tank!!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 14, 2008
may i suggest that you get a redfin pickerel? those will stay smaller than the grass. and they are really cool. i caught 2 a month ago and they went from an inch to about 4 in that time. they are monsters...they devour things the second i put them in there.