Great news,My Channa-ornatipinnis have laid eggs

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
It was 18c to start with back in early december, then its crept up to 20-21c.....It's stablised at that, no heater
There is a stong under current to the right hand lower of the tank, you watch them swim into flow and get blown down very quick..
south coast nelly;2791616; said:
NH3<Ammonia>> 0

NO2<Nitrite>> 0

N03 <Nitrate>> 0

PH<PH Wide range>> 8.0-8.5

Iam actually worried now to preform a waterchange if needed

def. no need to do a water change with those perameters , the amount of plants you have in is doing all the work a water change would do . it is set up perfect ,so i would leave it as is.

ph 8 to 8.5 - now that is interesting , and may be worthy of note , as you are the only person to manage this and most of us have gone with the slightly lower than neutral therory without sucsess , think i will spit mine into two tanks one at below neutral and one buffered with a bit of coral upto 8 and see if it seams to help .

cheers col
yes thats a possability, never thought about what other's kept there's at, just took the water straight from the tap, were a hard water area....Will the fry be ok coming from my ph to your ph?being very young
Wow! those fry are coming on well. Thanks for the pics, looking good.