Green terror and hap cichlid experiment

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
He was a killer. Here's a pic of him in the process of killing his long time 9 inch Jack Dempsey tankmate.

I kept that Rivulatus for many years. One of my favorites.

Btw, Your GT looks really good.
thx for the compliment, and thank you for giving me this info. it is certianly something to look out for. he is already challenging my big male convict, so i think i might have a fighter on my hands. thanks for the info. is there anything else i should know, or anything you wish you had know before you bought your GT
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Keep only one male Green Terror in the tank. A 30% - 50% weekly water change.

Feed quality pellet food & occassionlly mix in live crickets, grasshoppers or earthworms.

I think the GT's do better at lower temps, 72 - 76 degrees.

Have fun & Keep updating.
Keep only one male Green Terror in the tank. A 30% - 50% weekly water change.

Feed quality pellet food & occassionlly mix in live crickets, grasshoppers or earthworms.

I think the GT's do better at lower temps, 72 - 76 degrees.

Have fun & Keep updating.
cool, thank you so much sir, and have a great day!
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