Green Terror Hybrid???


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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
Now before all the undies get even more twisted, just saying something here,
there are a number of Andinoacara species, at least 8 recognized species out there, and knowing the calibre of most chain LFSs, the OPs could easily be one of the others that might have come in as a contaminant, so not necessarily a true "green terror".
A coeruleopunctatus is endemic to the waters where I live, and has a bit of a pushed in face.
On the other hand, and probably likely.
because of course A pulcher the Blue Acara is even more likely to be deformed (with all the inbreeding they receive, especially now that the the development electric blue Acara has become popular, improper culling could be flooding the market with the none electric percentage of cast off mutants)
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2013
Mid-Atlantic, US
Won't say it isn't a possibility, but I'm leaning toward the simpler answer. Rivulatus, just not the best specimen, and one a conscientious breeder would have culled-- or at least not sold commercially. Doesn't make it cosmically wrong to think it's cute and keep one of them, it's just bad business not to care more about the quality of what you sell. But volume breeders supplying large distributors or big box stores aren't always looking that much at the individual fish they sell, it's more about numbers.

From even non-related good quality pairs you can get the occasional misfit out of hundreds (or thousands) of fry-- in fact, do enough breeding and you probably will, and then it's up to you what to do with them (lot of them will be weaker and won't make it past an inch or so, anyway). Doesn't mean yours can't live a reasonably long and healthy life, unless there are other issues along with the cosmetic ones. Some cosmetic issues don't go much deeper and the fish is otherwise pretty healthy, but sometimes not, sometimes it's just a weaker fish.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 26, 2015
There are 10 andinoacara species to my knowledge with rivulatus and pulcher being the most common probably followed by stalsbergi.
The fish in the picture to my eyes only resembles rivulatus and perhaps andinoacara blombergi. I have rarely seen blombergi for sale so I think you can assume it is rivulatus.