• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Green Terror in 55-Gallon

I have found the treatment to be working, so it must be something the treatment cures. Either ick or fungus.

The fish are active and eating like normal (I've been pretty sparse in feeding them), so I think it isn't too bad of a disease, but I'm planning ahead just in case things suddenly turn for the worst.

I've also noticed that my Oscar baby was excreting these huge nasty turds. They were tan on top and stringy red on the bottom. Is that anything to be concerned about? It hasn't done it within the past few days, but I did see it earlier this week.
Doesn’t look like ich - that will look like grains of salt on the fins and body.
It could be a fungus or bacterial infection, but I’m not convinced. If treatment seems to be working, I’d continue with it.
What has the Oscar been eating? If it’s acting/eating normal I wouldn’t be too concerned.
Doesn’t look like ich - that will look like grains of salt on the fins and body.
It could be a fungus or bacterial infection, but I’m not convinced. If treatment seems to be working, I’d continue with it.
What has the Oscar been eating? If it’s acting/eating normal I wouldn’t be too concerned.

The Oscar has been eating shrimp, bloodworms, and catfish pellets (he snatches them before the catfish does because he's a food hog lol). I've honestly been leaning towards fungus as the fungal medicine started to work quickly.
Like I said before, I'm working on plans for every possible outcome of my tank. I already have the "Best Case Scenario (everything lives)" and the "Middle Case Scenario (some fish pass away)." I'm working on ideas for my tank if the "Worst Case Scenario (everything dies)" comes to fruition.

Here is what I was thinking if everything dies (which I don't want to happen):


1. Yellow Lab tank

2. Discus, Ram, and potentially corys or Tetras Tank

3. Convict Colony tank

4. 1 Turquoise Severum (pet fish)

5. Breeding pair of Firemouths or Breeding Pair of Convicts.

6. EBA tank


1. Pure Rainbow Fish tank

2. Angelfish, Tetra and Cory tank

3. Pearl Gouramis (or Tiger Barbs) and Clown Loaches

4. Ornamental Goldfish and Dojo Loaches

5. Bichir Tank with Top Dwellers such as African Butterfly Fish

6. Red Wolf Fish tank with maybe one catfish (depending on the aggressiveness of the wolfish)

More Out of the Box Ideas:

Brackish Tank:
Green Spotted Puffer with Livebearers (any recommendations for this would be great :D)

Saltwater Tank: Valentini Puffer with other fish such as Damsels, Clowns, etc. (I'm not very knowledgeable about saltwater, so any recommendations for this would also be great)
I've been researching gars via the information provided in the forum, and I was wondering if I could have a hujeta or needlenose characin in my tank long-term.

I used to have one, but at the time I didn't know what I was doing so yeah...

I may have asked this before, so I'm sorry if this is a repetitive question.
I don’t think either would be good long term.
I’d look at halfbeaks for the most readily available gar-like fish. There’s also dwarf red tail barracuda, but I only know one place to get those (Aqua imports).
Pike cichlids can work for an elongated fish, but they don’t really act like gar.
For now I’d focus on the ctenopoma, they are a good oddball for a 55.
I've been researching gars via the information provided in the forum, and I was wondering if I could have a hujeta or needlenose characin in my tank long-term.

I used to have one, but at the time I didn't know what I was doing so yeah...

I may have asked this before, so I'm sorry if this is a repetitive question.
Those get a bit large, but take a look at belenosox belizanus, you could keep one in a 55 with some small CA cichlid like nanoluteus Myrnae etc. I had a few years back in a 5 foot 80 gal, they are aggressive to each other and only one lasted, but that one lived for years and was very cool fish.
Those get a bit large, but take a look at belenosox belizanus, you could keep one in a 55 with some small CA cichlid like nanoluteus Myrnae etc. I had a few years back in a 5 foot 80 gal, they are aggressive to each other and only one lasted, but that one lived for years and was very cool fish.

I will check that out. Thanks for the recommendation!
I've checked out the Piketop minnow before and they would be too aggressive for my tank. I don't want any more aggressive fish as I don't want my current Bushfish beat up any longer to the point where they get severely sick. Plus, I can't find them anywhere right now.

Once again, thank you for the recommendation. :)