Like I said before, I'm working on plans for every possible outcome of my tank. I already have the "Best Case Scenario (everything lives)" and the "Middle Case Scenario (some fish pass away)." I'm working on ideas for my tank if the "Worst Case Scenario (everything dies)" comes to fruition.
Here is what I was thinking if everything dies (which I don't want to happen):
1. Yellow Lab tank
2. Discus, Ram, and potentially corys or Tetras Tank
3. Convict Colony tank
4. 1 Turquoise Severum (pet fish)
5. Breeding pair of Firemouths or Breeding Pair of Convicts.
6. EBA tank
1. Pure Rainbow Fish tank
2. Angelfish, Tetra and Cory tank
3. Pearl Gouramis (or Tiger Barbs) and Clown Loaches
4. Ornamental Goldfish and Dojo Loaches
5. Bichir Tank with Top Dwellers such as African Butterfly Fish
6. Red Wolf Fish tank with maybe one catfish (depending on the aggressiveness of the wolfish)
More Out of the Box Ideas:
Brackish Tank: Green Spotted Puffer with Livebearers (any recommendations for this would be great
Saltwater Tank: Valentini Puffer with other fish such as Damsels, Clowns, etc. (I'm not very knowledgeable about saltwater, so any recommendations for this would also be great)