Green terror with haps

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
To each their own. I know some people love to mix cichlids from different continents and I'm sure do well and enjoy their tanks. I personally wouldn't enjoy a tank like that and much prefer to strive for fish from the same region and a biotope particular to that specific fish group.
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There are others who are much more strict in their thinking, I'm not about to 'judge' them either. Happy holidays to you all.
Although the waters west of the Andes are slightly more alkaline than the Amazon area east of the Andes, the pH there is still only around 7, and (not liquid rock) like the waters of the rift, The pH Africans prefer at about 8, (is 100 times more basic). If your tap water comes close to inbetween, it might work, and although Andinoacara from that area, are loners (hardly ever sharing territory with other cichlids), they may not even recogonize certain Africans as other cichlids.

If you do experiiment, let us know how it works out good (or bad) over time.

I personally would not keep them together in the same tank, but I'm anal about strict biotopes, yet know, many other aquarists could care less about geographical correctness.

I've had relatively successful experiences mixing GTs with Malawians. Although not exactly haps, I've kept GTs with peacocks and more peaceful species of mbuna like acei and yellow labs.

In my experience, the main issue was that sometimes the mbunas will nip the GTs long fins. However, I never experienced that issue between peacocks and GTs and from my experience haps don't tend to be fin nippers either.
Not really, green terrors are from West of the Andes, which have water conditions that are almost identical to the rift likes. as in high ph, hard water, and tropical temperatures. Even Duanes will sometimes use Haps as dithers with green terrors
Temps are not tropical there either. They prefer cooler temps (around room temp or a little higher), otherwise they're prone to bloat
GT came from water between 68F to 75F, and pH 6.5 to 8.
Here are the parameters of the 3 African great lakes for comparison
Except for cooler temp, GT fits well within Victoria and Malawi parameters. I always keep a male GT in my mix African and CA cichlid tank for contrast and compatibility. I never like an all Malawian biotope tank for lack of color, behavior, and body shape diversity.