Guess the brackish water fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
The last part of it's common name is a four letter word.
Couple different shots


It is found as far west as Saudi Arabia and as far east and north as Korea,
it is in the same family as jacks and pompano, it is not a jack.
guppy said:
it is in the same family as jacks and pompano, it is not a jack.
There you have it folks: proof positive that I don't know jack! :(
The key to this guy is that it is a brackish, commonly eaten fish with black markings on it's dorsals.
Okay, you took to long, that is a Blackfin Scad, (Alepes melanoptera),
how about trying this little (7-8") shoaling, shallow water predator that is often found in mangrove swamps.

